Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Friday Afternoon

Silence around here, no calls,no visitors, and it has rain puddles on the macadam in front of my window. Silence, and it is Friday afternoon. I hope you and Jo hae places to go and things to do. I would love to walk out but it is raining. I have colorful cars parked in front of my window today a celery green, a royal rich blue and a dark blue I can see, there are more but further up the road out of my eyesight. It is silent around here no one in or out, no noise, silence. The shades are drawn across the way in the hospital wing and the trees are tall and still. Quiet...Silence really!! I read awhile and will go back to my story but right now I want a reprieve and mamybe a walk down the hall and back or around the big meeting room. I have not heard from the girls so they may be hunkered down staying cozy and warm out of the rain drops. I would take myself to a casino to play some nickels but there is none close, you get me. ha.ha. I hope you and Jo are having a good day doing what you want to do. Our rain drops continue and the worker cars are parked under my windows, a celery green, light and bright is under my window along with a very colorful blue , strange color but nice to look at. There is a eep green, almost black, quite a color to try and name. Looks green, dark blue,lots of windows. The sky is clear soft grey and looks like more rainn due in. All silent. I am heading for my easy chair and check the channels to find something to watch. Hoping for something interesting. I love you. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Off I go....

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