Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tuesday Afternoon

Lunch time over; sky hazy today, wants to weather but cannot make uo its minds. A milky sky. The worker cars are in front of my winow. One empty space which is unusual. All is silent. Bird on the roof top across the way; pretty yellow bouquet in the window aross the way and most of the shades are drawn over in the hosital wing, quiet over there, hope all is okay. The trees are still; the sky is murkey; silence inside and out. It is Tuesday aftenooon, no plans today, all quiet. I thought to go out for a walk but it is not that kind of a day as the sky is grey and looks like it might rain any time now. It is quiet, no one in or out, so I should count my There is noting new or different. I have little or nothing to add as I have not had company and quiet prveails. The worker cars are parked in front of my window and four are light grey, a pretty shade, soft, the others are black or dark green, hard to tell. Silence prevails. Some one across the way has a new bouquet which is very pretty yellow with tall green sprouts. the bird seems content on the roof top and the trees are still. I have the television on, no plans today, all is quiet. My door is open, the flowers are in need of watering so off I go. I hope your day is a good one and there is a bit of fun in the mix, A nice quiet time to read so off I go, rocking chair, porch, and a cup of hot coffee wouldn't taste bad at all. Hope your afternoon is a good one and you enjoy your hours wth or without company. Visit soon, I get lonely when I don't have messages to read. Hugs to all.

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