Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A New Wednesday Morning!!

Good Morning!!!  My cup is empty so you know where I am going....and I'll be back!!  There are only a word or two for that first sip.....and the coffee cake along with it....yum!!!  We seem to have a colorless sky this morning;  looks a bit like a rain sky, or a promise of one.  The blinds are down in the hospital wing and the worker's cars are parked over on 'my' side of the roadway.  I see someone has a new light tan car parked out there this morning, and along side of it is a lovely silver car with a big glass rooftop.   There is no breeze this morning as the  leaves on the trees are still. A red feathered bird is sitting on the hospital roof top, probably catching another forty winks before the morning gets started.   As for me, I am half way through my first cup of coffee so I am going for a refill....aah there is nothing like a good hot cup of tasty coffee to wake the brain up and get moving.

It is Wednesday all day, have no plans but I can make some ..ha, ha....   I will have to check with daughter Patricia and see if she is up to some browsing.  I might even treat her to lunch out if she agrees.  Maybe a ride down to Manchester, a run away spot for us.   There are several chores that need to be is tomorrow..ha, ha.....a ride out is so much more appealing.  Well, the day will unfold as it usually does and being 'easily led' is a blessing and it gets me out and about

So,  I wish you a good day, all day.  I hope you get to do what you want to do and what you like to do best.   Whatever the day offers, open up your eyes, your heart and your smile and share YOU with those you love and like.   Hump day is always a good day to let loose that tight knot about what has to be done or needs to be done or better still find the way the door opens and go out and about and enjoy the day.  The season is about to change and you will find lots of time to catch up with all those inside chores...they have a way of just waiting!! good, be kind, be gentle, be loving.  Share those hugs.  Share the smile.  Share YOU with those you love and like.   Go...have yourself a good day, all day!!  Hugs to all.

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