Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Fourth Of July!!!

Some one is out there in the roadway shooting off some fire crackers;  it is after nine, you would think they had enough for this holiday....not one of my favorites.  I did enjoy the company of my daughters, the treats, the pizza, the wine, special television programs that were well done and now the darkness of night and hopefully the end of the 'noise' I am not a fire cracker lover....ha, ha, unless it is to see them from far away, the higher the better.

It was a good day, lovely weather, good television programs, and, as I said, good treats....there is something about

So, my shoes are off;  the television is on;  most folks are hunkered down and had enough for today...with the exception of that one person who is out there shooting off some noisy fire crackers....hope he or she runs out soon....such appreciation for the 'idiot' who is firing off some noisy fire crackers. 

I have a fan on as the room was warm when I got back today.   I am in my pj's, have no shoes on, thinking a cup of hot tea but am not sure I want to go out into the kitchen and make one.....

I hope your holiday was great.  I hope you are enjoying quiet and peace now.  I hope that you had a great day.  Be good, be kind, be gentle, be the harbinger of and love.....and write and tell me all about your special Fourth of July.....

Have sweet good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!!  Hugs to all.

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