Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday, all day!!!

 I hope you are in good hands today, enjoying life, smelling the flowers, chasing the weeds away and finding reasons to be glad you are alive and well.
There is nothing better than a good hot cup of coffee (tea or cocoa) to make your morning bright and beautiful;  enjoy today...all day.

Aah!!!! One of my favorite flowers....simply beautiful!!!

Good morning!!!   I am awake, have been sitting here at the computer for an hour or so, looking at a little bird on the roof top across the way.  It has been sitting there quietly for a long while, watching the worker cars roll in....probably wishing for a treat.It is quiet, nothing on the move at the minute.  The Fall colors are really showing this morning, one bush is alive with color, and another with a tiny pink blossom.  The blinds are open in one window of the hospital wing but all the rest are closed tight.  It is early and it is Friday all  A new deep red car went bye;   someone is showing off a new!!!  The folks must make good salaries as there is not a junker in the lot.  A few folks seem to favor black but there are two white cars out there.  One is more vanilla ...has a bit of yellow in the base paint.  I see one bush of blue flowers, big and full and very pretty.   Quiet...silence....I get to 'hear' it every morning.

I wish you a good day, all day, doing what you love to do best.    I got to help my daughter, Christine, with a project and have high hopes she has more to follow.   Keeping busy is good.  But....having some down time to read and catch up with oneself isn't all bad.   What I'd like to do is be out and about, maybe a drive to a 'fancy' MacDonald's down the   A cheeseburger for lunch, haven't had one of those in a very long time.   But....I am going to make my bed, get dressed and watch a bit of news, will be time to go up and join the folks for lunch and maybe a bit of the puzzle.  I don't think it got finished yet.  I didn't get to see it yesterday.    I am sure there was quite a few more pieces to fit in and it is not what one would call an 'easy' puzzle to do.  Hard is better, more of a challenge.  Ha, ha,ha,  I am seeing a lady worker walk in complete with high heels and jeans....a combination and a half, ha..ha...

So, go and have yourself a good day, all day...and do some good deeds along the way.  Remember to stop in with a treat and a hug for a sick friend.   If you have someone in the hospital, go visit for a short while and brighten their day.   Good deeds stack up when you meet St. Peter at the gate....hopefully a long time am off for a refill, feet up, news one, and do a lot of nothing for awhile.   Join me...ha.ha.   I'll share.   Hugs to all.

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