Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Monday evening

Hello. It is a little after seven p.m. all quiet around here, tv on, feet up and nothing special going on. All is quiet A lonely day, girls early this morning then off they went and that was the end of them. No one visiting around here. No plans, no going off, so it was a long lonely day for me. I was going for a walk but talked me out of it was not something I really wanted to do. I did nothing..ha.ha. If I have a chance to look around down by the casino area I would move as I could at least go play a machine if no one was interested in sharing Girls were in early and then husy. They had places to go and things to do. Sometimes I am invited but there are times they need to be off on their own. I keep busy within my walls, have reading to do, tv to watch, and sometimes enough energy to go for a walk around the block. My problame is I want out..far nothing wrong with me. It was a lovely day, more like spring than fall. No one in, all busy, off and running somewhere. Maybe famiy affairs. Lois usually stops by but not today so she must have had some family about. Not complaining, only explaining. smile. A quiet skyl, trees are still. No noise , all quiet, shades drawn and lights on int he apartments across the way. So I hae nothing to compolain about. I have nothing to new news. Haven't heard from anyone so have no news. All in all I cannot complain and no desire to. TV on, feet up, had a chocolate icecream bar and wish I had not ...ha.ha. dmaned if I do and damned if I do not. I hope you and JO had some excitement today doing what you wnated to do. I am off to watch some tv, the end of the cooking show which they do a good job of. Haloween special and they did a great job. I am going off to my chair;..think I'll go make some hot tea to enjoy and do a lot of nothihng more today. Give Jo a hug and get one back. love you. Off I go love you both more every day. Catch up when you have time..

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