Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Now It is Monday evening

My little calendar says so. smile. It is after six p.m, it is Monday evening and all is quiet and a small breeze in the trees. The little bird is on the roof top across the way, the worker cars are parked under my window and there are only four or five out there. I cannot see all the way down the road way from my window. It is quiet. Silent I might say. It is Monday evening, three shades up and three shades down in the hospital wing. The little bird is on the roof top along with its little friend. They have been there all day. The work force is light tonight as there are only four cars parked outside my window tonight. All cars are a shade of grey, one black. It has been a quiet day, nothing planned but I did have some drop in company and that was fun. I had some cake to share and that was tasty. I had some extra newspapers with those big word puzzles so I will have plenty to keep me busy this week. It was a quiet day really and I did enjoy those who dropped in. They didn't stay long but long enough to share some time and that is what counts. If all goes as planned I will go off with Pat in the morning and have some out time. smile. I need a hair cut. She just had hers done and it came out beautiful, fits her so well. Now to see what the operator can do for me....let me say I wont have my picture taken for a week or I hope your day is going to be a smooth one. I hope you get to do all you want to do and catch up with those jobs that you put off until, we all do it. I am going to say good night , sleep tight, and dream sweet dreams. Monday has come and gone. Now to get on with the rest of this Um....what can we do....we will have to think of something. I will see you tomorrow and we will come up with an idea or two. I know, I know, a hair cut. Someone was humming something about a doggie in the window; um...wonder if they were trying to tell me Sleep sweet when you get there. Catch up tomorrow. Hugs to all.

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