Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday Evening last day of April, 2018

 And time flies.....a new month starting tomorrow and the merry month of May will start....birthdays for me and Patricia so we are hiding the scale until June. 
We may join the chorus and sing!!!

or we may go our for a treat, have not made up our minds yet but you can  sure we will find a way to celebrate.

We went to a music session today;  one lonely man with his guitar ..not bad, not good, guess he was not in the mood to play today....or we were not in  the mood to!!!   
The weather has been beautiful.   The deserts have been tasty;  the folks all in good moods and there is nothing to gripe and groan about.   So the new month of May will start tomorrow and spring will be officially here....with summer following before we know it.

So. . . I am sulking over a sore toe, a corn that reared its ugly head and got big and red and owie.....ha.ha.  poor me!!!  You knew I would find something to groan about....well sore toes hurt.....I was going shoe shopping but that will be postponed for a few days, or however long it takes for the toe healing!!!

Chris will be back tomorrow from her trip east where she got to visit her brother John.  His e mail today said they had a great visit so she will have lots to talk about when she returns.   

As I said, a new month starting tomorrow and a long and busy one.   We have some celebrating to do as Patricia and I have birthdays....I am bragging and she is complaining...ha.ha.ha......

So....I wish you sweet dreams when you get there.   I hope your weekend was all you hoped for....I hope you have a good week doing what you love to do good, be kind, be generous with your and bring a lot of sunshine into the lives of those you like and love.    Be YOU!!!  Hugs to all.
Spring ....aah!!!!   

Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Saturday Morning

Good Morning!!!!  A new day, a Saturday, and at this time of the morning...six AM, I am wondering what words we can share .  It is getting lighter and most of the workers have parked for the day and already at work.   No lights on over there in the hospital wing but soon there will be a lot of activity as a new day begins. 

I have been sitting here at the computer for a good hour or so, playing with ideas that don't seem to be coming through this morning.   I am awake, well almost....I am in need of a refill but have not made a move yet....oh well, talking about it wont fill the cup so off I go and then maybe the brain will awaken and I can get a few words off....

I am a day late and a dollar short..nothing new....same old, same!!!  I have laundry to do which should have been done yesterday but Saturdays are open so I wont step on toes....I do wish you could see my new kitchen and entry floor.  What a wonderful job the workers did and how smart and bright my hallway is.    A studio apartment is really small and there is not a lot you can do with it, placing furniture at the right angles sometimes helps....a rocking chair always

My desk faces the big picture window so I don't miss much if there is activity out there.   I enjoy watching the workers park and get ready for their new day.   Some carry their morning 'latte' with them  and sip on the way, and don't seem to rush but walk slowly.    It is 'still' out there this morning, not the sign of a leaf stirring.  The quiet is always 'good to hear' and I think the pavement is still wet from some rain we must have had in the night.   I sleep sound so didn't hear a drop. 

I am looking forward to a good day, all day.....have laundry to do, have dusting to do which I have always considered a lost we do is push the dust around as it settles right back as soon as we move

So.....with no more words to share, I will love you and leave you.  I hope your Saturday is a good one and you get out and about doing the things you love to do best.  Be good,  be kind,   be YOU!!!  Hugs to all. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Good morning!!!   It is a little after six a.m., the trees are still, not a leaf moving;  parking lot full of cars of varied sizes, shapes and colors, blinds down in the hospital wing, and a new day is about to start.  The workers are walking in and all ready for a new day.   Let us hope and pray that the patients are feeling good today and have a bright and beautiful day.   Illness is more conducive to tears than little prayer might just be the help needed this morning.

I have a floor man coming for the kitchen floor today.   I have a worn linoleum so something new and bright and beautiful can't much as i would love to sit and visit, I know that my priorities have changed to getting dressed much earlier than usual, opening the eyes, having coffee and being ready is my morning visit is going to be short.

I will wish you a good day, all day.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and don't forget a good deed or two.

Have some fun today doing what you love to do best.    Hugs to all.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A New Day!!!! Good Morning!!

                                          A new day....a new chance to make your seconds count and your list of good deeds to finish as you make your family and friends happy you are share in their lives.    A beautiful day, sunshine, clear, not even a small breeze ;  just a clear blue sky, early morning quiet and a head filled with plans for the day.. . or   well....make some!!

I have been sitting here at the computer for an hour or so, looking out the big picture window as the hospital workers park their cars and walk to the entrance for a new day of work.   There is a flowering red bush, have no idea what it is called, in full bloom and the color is absolutely beautiful.  The work force come in with their coffee in hand and are ready for a new day.

I have been 'day' dreaming long enough;  time for a refill and watch some news; hard to believe I have been sitting here for a good hour...wishful thinking.....want to run away and walk the old path to the ocean but that is far away and I don't have an invitation to ride out so I best make other!!

So.....if wishes were horses beggars would old saying but a truism....I'm already knew that!!!   Go....have yourself a day to remember;   do something good for YOU and do a little something for those you like and love.    Be a friend today!!d  Hugs to all.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Mistake or Two!!!

Good morning is Tuesday morning  STILL, and..... it is now 10:08 a.m. and I am sitting at the computer trying to figure out why I made so many bloopers when writing lately...maybe old age....have to blame something!!!  I have been sitting here at the computer checking over some of the words I have put down and I see that I am having a few memory lapses here and there...little ones, thank God, but nevertheless the brain is trying to make headway into a different direction than I plan.    I guess with age come open spaces and I am not going to like you wont if you decide to join

It is still Tuesday.... but .... mid morning.   I have been on the computer with 'the girls' and all is well.   I am getting ready to go up for lunch and that will be good as I will have table mates sharing the news of their day.    Yesterday we went to the casino and played awhile, left out just 'dues' and came home there any other way???  ha...ha....ha..... well I am still trying to find out.  I just wanted to let YOU know that I have not lost it all ..yet...but working on it.   

and it is okay if you drop a line or two as I am feeling like company    be good, be kind, and drop a line.    Hugs to all. 

Tuesday...all day!!

Good Morning.....Been sitting here for an hour trying to figure out what to write about this morning and the brain seems to have a mind of its own and has decided to keep an empty conversation or no words as there is nothing new and different or even interesting coming to mind this morning.   I have been awake for hours and have not put the coffee on ....I am in a, I'm entitled..or

It is Monday, a new Monday, and I have no plans for today.   A down day...we all need those...and I was off gallivanting yesterday wishing for a big win at the casino so I could take you all out for breakfast this luck .... will have to be satisfied with some coffee, or tea and dry the thoughts were there;  the luck was elsewhere.   It was was good;  the lunch was great, so I have nothing to complain about...wait a minute or two and I'll think of something!!! 

Go, have yourself a good day, all day....catch up on your to-do list and give yourself a good start for the week.    Weather is perfect for those garden chores, put on your 'mud' shoes and get out there.    Me...I'm  going out and make my coffee...see you tomorrow with some words of wisdom....or not......ha,ha, well....I'll try.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and generous, and have yourself a special day full of the 'stuff' that makes YOU happy.  Go....Enjoy today!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Good Morning!!

This picture reminded me of the mind.  It is filled with all kinds of words and pictures stored and saved from each year we have lived and the sand pebbles, liken to our brain, stores the memories of yesteryear.   Each little thought vies for space and wants to be heard;  each little thought tells a tale.  The symbols of granite remind us of the bad times, while the crystals shine and lead us to the beautiful times of our lives.  As the old timers would say, 'a bit of good with the bad' and we survive one day as it comes.   We learn to have faith, hope and then share a bit of charity so..not all is right in our world, but also, there is a bit more good than we give it credit for. 

Our morning, this morning, is clear and calm.  The sky is a soft blue, no wind at all, nothing is moving and the shades are still drawn in the hospital wing.  The deep red bush , the tree begetting tiny yellow leaves and the big bushes are still, not a breeze out there on the low ground or in the height of the tall trees.  A new morning as the worker's cars are parked facing my window today.  I have one red car and one silver car by my window, the rest all black but stylish.  One window shade up but the rest all down and the patients are snoozing this Sunday morning.  We are heading for the last of April;  one week to go and we will be seeing May flowers and balmy sunshine days.   Yes, life goes on, one day at a time, so make good use of each one as it arrives.

I am off for a refill.  My coffee cup is empty....that will never do.  I am off ....and you sometimes think of that...ha.ha.   but....I will love you and leave you to your day and know I hope that is the best one yet.    Be good, be kind, be that is a good word.   Be all you can be and share YOU with those you love and like. cool, calm and collected.....or not....the choice is yours.....but be sure and have a little fun while you are thinking of what kind of a day you really want to have.  I think the old timers would tell you ..'you get out of it what you put into it, no more, no less'....think about that!!  Just make is 'special' just like YOU.  Hugs to all.

Friday, April 20, 2018

It is Friday, all day!!!

Good morning.    Sky is beautiful this morning with tiny floating dark blue clouds hovering over tall trees that are not even moving a tiny bit...picture clouds this morning, much like a school of fish... no breeze at all, cars all parked and the blinds are still closed over in the hospital wing.   A new day, slow to start, no....just usual and the quiet time of the day.  It wont stay that way...soon there will be activity and noise and folks moving about...but...right now...silence!!!  AAH!!!!!

I wish you a good day, all day....I wish you love and laughter....good health and a bit of wealth which you can share and brighten the day....lunch out?   Good idea, take someone to lunch the big Mac is always!!

I am off for a refill;   to blog about???  have no idea.....but I am sure to come up with of the men is walking his little dog, looks a bit chilly out there but it is early.

Off I go...a new what is in store for me??????   Something good I'm    What is that old adage???  Live in high hope and die in despair.....well, I don't have any high hopes so I guess I am safe for another day.  Go.....have a good day..all day!!  Hugs to all.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Good Morning!!!

A new day.   A Thursday all day and it is April 19th. . . the month is going bye faster than I thought and Spring is not around the corner but here....time flies even if you are not having    Today, a new day, wonder what is in store for us. . . wonder what opportunities we will take advantage of and which ones we will let go of;  and what we will do to make our day the best one yet.  All those seconds to play that is a thought!!!!   I have no yet....I'm willing to make some but have to find an accomplice unless I choose to walk up to the corner and back by myself.   The workers are driving in slowly, no lights on in the hospital wing and silence can be heard.  A new day with hours to fill, now all we have to do is decided how. 

My coffee cup is for a refill.

"AAH", the elixir of early morning eye open....then the other...and off we go to fill a blog with a few kind and considerate words...if they are to be found....'yawn'.....first to wake up.....

be patent, the coffee is working, I just looked at some old lady in a window...oh it's me!!!! 

Let me take time to wish you a good day, all day.....let me wish you health as that is the wealth you need and want in your life today.   Plan a good day, all day, doing what you love to do.   Be kind today as what you give you one of the old expressions state.    Take time to stop at the church of your choice and light a candle for those who have been called home.    Take time to light a second one for those who are ill ;  stop and think how a short visit from you can make their day, and yours.     Time is a special gift, remember that.

So......I am going to love you and leave you.   I will find my easy chair, turn on the news and put my feet up for a little while.    I have no special plans for today but I am sure I will think of something to get into before the day is out the file drawer might be a good start.   But....putting my shoes on and going for a walk a bit later when the light of the beautiful blue sky brightens and shows the way to the corner and back.  But one never knows what is in store for the day and I am sure we will find out as the sky becomes a lovely lighter blue and a breeze moves the tree leaves.   The door opens easily and the brain lightens as it leads us out into fresh air, sunshine and warmth;   a walk...sounds good to me....want to come?    Well, put your shoes on!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Five O'Clock AM ....

Good Morning.  I am eye open, coffee at the ready, hot and tasty;  raisin toast all gone and my fingers are on the keys..what to blog about???  I have no idea.  Looking out my window, my desk is right in front of the window, the night light is on at the side of the hospital building which is directly across from me.   One light on in one of the rooms and the shade is open, no one moving though.  The tarmac is dry so no rain drops in the night.   All seems quiet and lonely out there.  Inside I have my filled cup of hot coffee, finished my toast and looking for more....'there is nothing good in this house' have heard that before.  Of course I am thinking of a big fat jelly doughnut, or a plate of ham and eggs with buttered toast but that is not going to happen.   A refill of my coffee will satisfy my needs but does nothing for my wants.   

Today is Wednesday, all day, hump day it is called.  It is five thirteen a.m. and the 18th day of the month already.   Time has a way of fleeing.   Wonder where it goes?   I should wonder about how fast it does go.   I have a plate glass window in front of me and my image shows in the window . . .  and, that old lady with the grey hair and eye glasses half way down the nose looks familiar....wonder where she came from?   ha, ha....looks old enough to be my grandmother......and

So...I need a refill.   I am  going to fill my cup and sip the hot coffee as I watch the news on television hunkered down in my chair.   I have no special plans for today so do not have to rush about and that is a good thing.    I have several projects started and things I can do.  I will wait to see what kind of a day is on the menu and maybe plan a walk out a bit later;  after lunch time is always good as it helps to keep the weight from exploding, a little late to think of that but never to late to keep the body moving.    So.....if I knew how to spell the Mexican words I would wish you a good day ..all day....well.....I wish you one anyway....have a good one and enjoy your seconds ...hopefully doing something wonderful.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and lead with a smile, a hug helps, and 'good will' never hurts.   BE YOU!!!!  Hugs to all.   

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Good morning.   It is quiet...nothing moving;   no noise of any kind;  but . . . that wont last!!

How are you this morning?  I am almost awake.  I have had my first cup of coffee but have an empty cup at the moment and that will never do.....The first cup brings the taste buds to life but it also creates the need for and tasty and the body starts to respond...awake...almost...a refill should do

AAH!!!!   Hot, tasty, good til the last drop...wonder where the doughnuts went???  Cannot imagine they are ALL gone!!!  Back to the bakery;  cannot have all those wrinkles show....

The sun is shining on the tree tops, very beautiful and still.    A lovely day begins and I have no special plans.   I wonder what  my girls are up to today.   I guess I have to wait and see;  who knows???  I might get an invite....or not....time will tell.

I hope your day is special;  just like you.....I hope you find things to do that make you smile.    Be the silver lining today.....Enjoy the moments!! Hugs to all.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Good Morning!!

Good Morning!!!

A new day, right now pitch black outside and nothing is moving, not a car in sight, no lights on in the hospital building, no noise, no movement of any is just too early!!!!   A new day about to begin and we have no idea what is in store for us.    Hopefully we wish for good weather, a bit of sunshine to walk out in, a walk to the corner and back or, better still, a ride out ...maybe lunch out;  time will tell....have no definite plans as yet but hopefully there are plans in the making and I will be included in some time out and away....junking is good....not looking for anything special but when I do get out there I am sure I will know what to carry back....maybe a jelly doughnut....ha, ha......

It is always amazes me to "hear' quiet.....the sky is a lavender blue, the tree tops are still, and my coffee cup is empty.....that will never do.....I'll be back.
"AAH"'d share but first I'd have to make a new pot. 

Hard to believe we have reached the half way mark of April....time flies even when you do not pay attention.   I am off for a refill of hot coffee;  that almost hot coffee does nothing for you.....

The trees are still;  not even a tiny bit of movement ....nothing moving and only three cars in  the parking area at the moment.   A new day....hopefully a good day, all wake up and enjoy it....give a little of YOU.....there is something about a hug that makes one not share a few this morning and brighten the day. 

Wake up, you sleeping head, get up, get out of, la, la, la......

Hugs to all.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Good Morning!!!

Good Morning!!!!  A new day, blinds still down in the hospital wing;  very few cars out there this morning;'s Sunday;   come to think of it there is little or no noises around here;   even the trees are still;   very light blue sky, no breeze at all as nothing is moving, not even the little 'rose' tree which stands about five feet tall and is in full bloom with deep red roses;  very pretty from here and is sprouting into the little bush beside it making it look like the roses are growing from the lower bushes.

A quiet Sunday morning and I have no desire to get moving.   It is nice to be able to lolly-gag about and no one complaining;  well...not that I am  I have no plans for today.  I'd like to be going out and about but the girls are busy shopping Costco today and I have turned in my list....ah....goodies later.....the non fattening I lie a little!!!!   I'll share!

I am off for a refill,   get dressed,  make my bed,   curl up in my chair and read a bit before it is time to go up for lunch;  a long way is only a little after seven a.m., only three cars in the parking lot  which seems is Sunday morning and it is still very early;  it will change soon enough.

I am off for a refill,  my cup is empty.  ... and ... there is nothing 'good' in this house.......have I said that before?   Yeah!!! many times, someone eats everything up ;  oh well, dry toast is okay, not really good, but beggars cannot be would think there would be at least a crumb left...but...there isn't!!

So...go....have yourself a good day, all YOU....don't forget least ten a day...or more....and verbal hugs are necessary.    Hugs to all.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday. . . All Day!!!

A memory path in Brookings.....aah!!!!  We all have special paths we like to think about;  paths that our footsteps tread on and left an imprint and a memory or two.   This path runs along a river that likes to be heard as it leads to the ocean, rocky formations and memories of special visitors and fun days that ended all to soon.   The view I have, at the moment, is the lightest blue of the sky;  trees tall and stately not moving even a little bit.  The shades are drawn over in the hospital wing;  the cars are parked with a few empty spaces to be filled yet.  No shades up, folks sleeping in with an exception of one room where the shades is still down but there is light behind it.  If I had know where I want to be..but...we are not always given choices we want but those that fill the immediate need.   I stayed in yesterday so have little or nothing to write about.  I did not have company.  I did not do anything constructive but I enjoyed the day of quiet doing the 'things' I like to do best....reading is tops on my list, writing isn't all bad, having a visitor or two drop in is always good so I have nothing to complain about...only that a complaint or two is always the way to free the brain for a positive thought.  Today is Friday ...all day....wonder what is in store for us.   So with that thought in mind, I will love you and leave you to your own doings of the day;  be a YOU and make today one to remember.  As the saying goes...later gater......have a fun day...all day!!  Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!!   

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A New Hump Day!!

Good morning!!!!  The view from my window is much like this , a bit more blue to the sky, some grey clouds interspersed in the tree tops, the outside light is still on over in the hospital building, keeps the cars on the right path.  I noticed the cars are parked right under my window .  I had not noticed that there was a difference in parking as yesterday all the cars were parked across the way and this morning I am looking at them parked facing this building.  I had not noticed that before.   learn something new every day.  The street looks wet so we must have had a few raindrops.    Don't go way, I'm off for a refill.....

AAH!!!! is Wednesday, hump day, and I have no plans....think today will be a 'down' day which means a catch up day as there is laundry to be done, some dusting might help, and, depending on the weather as to a walk outside;  the street is wet but the sky looks clear.

SO!!!!  I wish you a good day all day doing what you love to do best.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and add a good deed or two.    Smile with your eyes.....share a hug or two.....and make your day the best one yet.....Hugs to all.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Good Morning!!

A small miracle;  one tiny spider creates a work of art.   delicate, and beautiful.
Good morning.  It is pitch black out my window, no cars moving in as yet, no lights on in the hospital wing.  The sky is a morning shade of blue, the night is leaving slowly, there is no breeze of any kind so the trees are still.  A new morning, Tuesday all day and it the 10th of April in case you do not have a calendar handy.   My coffee cup is empty so that will never do.   I need words for you this morning and there are none as I didn't go anywhere, do anything, and just had a quiet, peaceful day yesterday and a good nights sleep so am up and ready for a new day.  I have no plans....sounds good to me.....a lazy day catching up, we all need those.  I am smiling as if I open the other eye and put the brain in gear, I will remember chores that need finishing, laundry that has to be done, a bit of grocery shopping and I thought I was going to do a lot of nothing;  nope, not in the cards, there is work to be done so I had better switch gears and put my shoes on and get ready for a trip to the store....there is nothing 'good' in this house...a battle cry for a trip to the!!!

So....I wish you a good day, all day.  I hope you have good health, a bit of wealth, and some drop ins to share some hugs with.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and share YOU with those you love and like.

Tuesday has a nice ring to it.....make it the best one yet.    Hugs to all.

Monday, April 9, 2018

A Brand New Week Starting up!!

Pretend this is my brain being pulled out to be used today...a new road to follow....wake up and smell the flowers.....put the mind in gear and see what I remember from yesterday...which was a good day, all day...honest.

I watched some television with the girls after a breakfast out at a restaurant on the waterfront and enjoyed sharing it with my ladies.   As I age, and I seem to be doing that a lot faster than I thought, I find my retention span is changing, reverting backwards, not in a hurry to remember details and a desire to leave the words where they are...wherever that

Closing in on the century mark, who ever thought time would find a fast route as it takes a daily walk out.  I use my little Prayer of Serenity every day to remind me that I need courage to meet each new day and wisdom to know the difference between the things I can change and the things I cannot.  So today is the beginning of a new week and I am betting it has a lot in store for me.   My larder is bare so that means a ride to the grocery store.   Think of all the goodies I can find..but I better make a list as energy does not come from eating just sweets although I am sure we tried to make it so. 

So, good, be kind, be YOU....make your day bright and beautiful.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

It Is Saturday...all day

Good morning.   Looking out my window I see a wet pavement so we must have had a few rain drops in the night.   I didn't hear anything!!  It is a light grey sky out there this morning;  quiet; not a leaf stirring, nothing moving and not one light on in the hospital wing, unusual for this time of the fourteen a.m. according to my little calendar square which tells me the day, time and date, keeps me aware...well something has to, the brain is slowly going its own way....and it isn't letting me in on all the

I had a day off with the ladies yesterday, a nice ride to the casino and the very first of a fire drill.  Not sure who set the alarm but we were outside for about a half hour then led back in.  We had been just seated in the dining area, about to choose our food, not good timing when you are!!

I got to play my keno for some time before the machine gobbled up my money. It was fun, no wins, but close..ha..ha.  like in horseshoes!!  One of our ladies had a small win so we were happy for her. 

I enjoy the ride up and back.   The sun was shining, a beautiful day, not a lot of traffic and being out and about is always a good time.   The best part of going off is coming back home and taking the shoes

So today is Saturday all day.   I have no special plans haven't had a chance to catch up with the girls to find out what they plot and plan for the day.   I hope you have a fun day doing what you like to do best.    Get into the swing of things and enjoy.   I am off for a coffee...aah!!!!   Be good, be kind, be gentle and spread a little love and joy around a sweet harbinger of Spring!!!   Hugs to all.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday Morning !!

I have a date with the ladies to go to the casino this morning, breakfast out, find a lucky machine which, by the way, they do not have in any size casino, and. . . live in high hope and die in despair;  but the fun is in the trying and once in a blue moon you come home with at least some of your own money....but not often...ha,ha.....

but....breakfast out with the ladies is always fun.   The drive is not too long and it is a change for the day;  a bit of fun and a lot of laughter, and someone else does the!!

Right now there is no light in our skies.  it is too early in the morning for that; will change and soon folks will be up and making noises.    Friday morning;  a good day to make noises!! good, be kind, have fun to day and make those you like and love happy to see you walk in the door.   Don't forget to stop for a "goodie" or two as the coffee pot will be on and the cup waiting for you to be filled.    Relax, enjoy and count your blessings.

As for shoes are on....I'm out the and luck my friends, may your day be bright and beautiful just like YOU.....SMILE....who knows you could be on candid!!!! Hugs to all.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

An April Thursday

 "If I were a rich man, la, la, la,'d send you a bouquet to brighten your day but then you may be one of the lucky ones with a garden full of lovely flowers to pick and choose for your bouquet today.   Flowers have a way of bringing on smiles, sweet words and thankful hugs.    Get busy and gift someone today!!
A clever book mark but it takes up space.  That old piece of paper does a good job. 

Good morning.  I am half here by my elbow...I'm sipping as I write and it is amazing how the eyes respond;   as too the rest of the mind and body...well that takes a little more time.

It is the usual pitch black out in the parking lot, nothing moving, no lights on over in the hospital wing, not a moving car this morning but it is early....folks are not up and ready for a new work day.   Come to think of it...what am I doing up?   I have nothing new and different to talk about;  have nothing old and useful to remind you I am going for a refill, into my easy chair, turn on the TV and hunker down for a bit more 'down time' and then , maybe, just maybe, I'll stir and participate in a new day....but now I'm not in the off I go for my refill, easy chair, TV and perfect the art of laziness.   You can join me....sit, feet up, tv on, zzzzzzzzzz.  Later gater....have yourself a good day, all day.   Hugs to all.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mid Week!

Of course it is a favorite picture of one of my favorite places...up in Carson City, Nevada;  lots of memories when I look at this picture.   Good ones!!!  Aah, I am thankful for having some great memories of great times;  there is sometime about and old!!!

and the frame was made from old barn wood.

So you have seen the daisies before...whats not to!!!

This little guy used to visit me in the early morning..  I think he liked my fence as much as I did.  There really is a lot of beauty in old fence posts.   I think there is a cute little mouse in the knot of the wood....see it?   smile!!!!

The peace and serenity of early morning.    Get up, open the blinds and look.....aah......

It is Wednesday morning, a little after five a.m.;  so I am an early riser...the fourth day of April, blinds not open as yet so cannot tell you what is on going in the outside;   hold on a second.....

The blinds are open now and it is pitch black outside my window;   the small light on the side of the building is lit, pavement looks a bit on the wet side;  um...wonder if we had a bit of rain in the night....didn't hear a thing, but then I never do.    A car just drove bye...looking for a space to park and chose a spot right across from  my window.    One of the hospital workers. 

I have read my little plastic sign that says: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."    A good thought for the day.

So it is that time of!!!!  Cup is almost empty so off I go for a refill, hunker in my chair, turn on the TV and listen to news....hopefully some good words and pictures today....that would be nice!!!    I'll go for a refill and let you sleep in;  no rush;  no fuss;   just hope you wake up to a sunshine day, good caring and sharing this morning with those you like and love.    Be the one with a smile, a hug and a good word.....Hugs to all.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Good Morning

The start of a new day;   it is a little after six and I have been sitting here at the computer for quite awhile thinking...getting no where....looking out of the big picture widow on to the parking area and not all the workers are here yet.   The hospital wing is in complete darkness, unusual but it is still early a.m. but late for them.   Right now it is quiet...silence.....not a sound. 

I am wondering what today will bring.    I have no plans.    I am going to have an easy day, do a lot of nothing special and wait patiently for some things to develop.   Maybe I'll have some company....maybe I wont.   Maybe I will be invited out.  A trip to the grocery store would be good as I am getting low on a few items.  I can't imagine who eats all those cookies, you know those sandwich kind that I don't even like.   I am thinking of an old fashioned brownie....or maybe a cruller would be different and tasty.   I would ignore the calories as once the mind goes down that road the taste buds begin to dwindle.    What is that old saying...'you can't have your cake and eat it too'.....well, I for one, keep trying.

The cars are coming in slowly.  No lights on within the hospital wing and it is after six a.m. that seems a bit strange to me.    The outside light is on so I doubt there is an electricity problem, probably just early and everyone wants to keep it that way.  So..... I am hoping you have a good day, all day, doing what you love to do best.   Be gentle and loving....and your day will blossom like a new summer rose.    I am off for a refill, some TV news, and eventually I'll put my shoes on.  ..."ON" to a new day, let us have high hope for a good one.    Be good, be gentle, be kind, be YOU!!!  Hug to all.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Monday , , , all day!!

YOU are my Sunshine, my only sunshine ...  You make me, la, la, la....your turn!!
A favorite thought when you amaze yourself with the things that you do ...say....feel....and you have a new Monday to begin.
I hope you enjoyed your Easter and have flowers left to enjoy.
Good is Monday all over lucky we are.  It is early...six twenty seven by my little calendar clock and it is April Second......the sky is a beautiful blue, sort of a dusky shade and the trees are still;  the hospital wing is in darkness and the outside light to brighten the parking area is still on.  Quiet...deep quiet this morning, nothing is on the move at the moment but soon the workers will be coming in and a new day of a new week begins.  April 2nd . . . um....April showers..well not yet as it looks pretty clear in a soft blue sky.

We did have breakfast out yesterday and went to what used to be called "The Doll House" and basically it still is but changes have been made by new owners.   There is more space, more openness and not one complaints about the food or the service.  Easter Sunday brunch and there was tasty treats for all.   We agreed to go junking and had fun walking the aisles looking at other folks junk, most of what we already had and donated there is always some one little item to pick up and take home just  AND, we met a friend who was doing a bit of looking around so it was nice to get a hug and a good morning greeting.   I picked up a cute candy dish for my little hall table.  I have a bowl of candy out for friends to help themselves as they come and go.   I try to buy candy that is popular and liked but the trouble is that I like everything so nothing is safe as my girlish figure attests too.    There is something about unwrapping a caramel that makes one feel good......try it, see for yourself!!

So, a new week, a new Monday, time to start a week of good deeds, good words, good thoughts and don't forget a hug or two.    As for me, off for a refill, some news....feet plans for today ...well there is always something that needs doing  and does not go away until it is done....laundry for one thing...what ever happened to  the thought of paper clothing that you could throw thinking!! 

Have yourself a g r e a t Monday doing what you love to do best.   Be YOU!!!   Hugs to all.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday

The profound, the lovely, the Easter lily and three wishes for a beautiful Easter Sunday....May your day be filled with love and laughter

The sky is grey, a patch of blue here and there as the clouds go drifting by my window.   It is early morning, quiet time around here, all the worker cars are parked and the shades are still drawn over in the hospital wing.  I hope the patients feel good today so they can celebrate Easter.   I have my shoes on and am waiting for my daughters as we are 'feasting' out this morning.   A breakfast buffet over at the Airport, always delicious, always crowded, always a 'must' place to go on a holiday or any time it moves you to want to 'stuff' yourself with some really good breakfast foods.   I have on my lovely lavender sweater, my dark purple slacks and my hair is combed so I am!!!

So, take yourself out for a treat, or cook in if you prefer, but do enjoy an Easter breakfast.   I just hope you do not have to go out and hunt up the, you are not supposed to hide them all.

It is time, put your shoes on...a smile....arms at the ready for hugs to give and candy until after you eat your you haven't heard that in awhile.   

Be bright and beautiful, good and kind, share YOU with those you love and like.  Be an Easter Bunny!!!!   Hugs to all.