Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Good Morning!!

This picture reminded me of the mind.  It is filled with all kinds of words and pictures stored and saved from each year we have lived and the sand pebbles, liken to our brain, stores the memories of yesteryear.   Each little thought vies for space and wants to be heard;  each little thought tells a tale.  The symbols of granite remind us of the bad times, while the crystals shine and lead us to the beautiful times of our lives.  As the old timers would say, 'a bit of good with the bad' and we survive one day as it comes.   We learn to have faith, hope and then share a bit of charity so..not all is right in our world, but also, there is a bit more good than we give it credit for. 

Our morning, this morning, is clear and calm.  The sky is a soft blue, no wind at all, nothing is moving and the shades are still drawn in the hospital wing.  The deep red bush , the tree begetting tiny yellow leaves and the big bushes are still, not a breeze out there on the low ground or in the height of the tall trees.  A new morning as the worker's cars are parked facing my window today.  I have one red car and one silver car by my window, the rest all black but stylish.  One window shade up but the rest all down and the patients are snoozing this Sunday morning.  We are heading for the last of April;  one week to go and we will be seeing May flowers and balmy sunshine days.   Yes, life goes on, one day at a time, so make good use of each one as it arrives.

I am off for a refill.  My coffee cup is empty....that will never do.  I am off ....and you sometimes think of that...ha.ha.   but....I will love you and leave you to your day and know I hope that is the best one yet.    Be good, be kind, be that is a good word.   Be all you can be and share YOU with those you love and like. cool, calm and collected.....or not....the choice is yours.....but be sure and have a little fun while you are thinking of what kind of a day you really want to have.  I think the old timers would tell you ..'you get out of it what you put into it, no more, no less'....think about that!!  Just make is 'special' just like YOU.  Hugs to all.

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