Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, December 11, 2017

A New Day!!

A New Day!!!  Sky is several shades of blue and grey;   stillness;   silence of early morning;  Christmas lights shining in one of the hospital windows, the rest dark as folks sleep in and not in a hurry to meet a new day.    The stillness is awesome, not a leaf moving, quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop, if someone was about to drop    The roof lights are on, a golden shade out lining the hospital rooftop adding a little festivity to the building.   There are shades of pink in the sky, really very beautiful.  A brand new day to live, to be busy, to be content, and that is not always easy to do...but....we have a free will and we can choose how we want our day to put on your shoes, go for a walk in the fresh air, stop by and have a sip of coffee with someone you like and make one person smile because you remembered they are latte fans....a little kindness, a little love, a little bit of YOU that is a happy thought....I'd be smiling if you were at my door....I'd be smiling if you added a 'refill' to my coffee cup...well...I guess I'll have to do it!!!   So I am off to find out what today is going to bring to my doorstep.    I am off to put my shoes on and watch a little of the television news, then when the miracle of YOU comes to my door, I'll be ready....well I do have to put on my!!!

Be good, be kind, be a leading light that helps a friend along the pathways.   An invitation to lunch out is always welcomed, a chance to visit, a chance to enjoy one of those big juicy hamburgers complete with pickles....and you might find a Christmas gift or two that you have been looking for....that does happen ...and, your list gets shorter and you can relax and enjoy the holidays....Christmas, how did it get here so close in time...I'm not list,  a list,  a pencil,   where did I put some paper? ......let me see, ....what does Pat want?  need?   She is not talking and I am second guessing.....Chris?  John?  Mike?   Jo? Jock? I must be forgetting someone...who???   Think, think....well I have plenty of am sure I'll find something if I get off my duff and get out the't that have a nice ring to it!!!Come on  now, you know you really truly enjoy it!!! Smile!!!

Be good, be kind, be gentle.....share a hug or two.....all you have to do is open up those arms and smile.   Go...have a good day, all day!!  Hugs to all.

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