Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Last of a Year

Good Morning, ending a year, beginning a new one and the mind wants to know what is in store for us but the answer is always wait and see.    We live in high hope but we should be using our energies making the high hope a reality and working hard at making our lives a success according to ourselves.   We do not have to be a 'copy cat' or 'wishful thinkers';  but....we do need to be good, kind, loving and spend our seconds doing what we do, love and laugh.    So when making your New Year's resolutions be sure you remember YOU are YOU, and YOU have a duty to yourself, and that is to be the best you can be. 
It does take all the help we can little commandments;   one at a time;   work a little harder in repairing the ones you have broken and make up your mind that you will make this new year one of your very best yet.  So, as the old timers would say..."pull up your boot straps and get going,"

Have a day to remember.   Do not forget a few good deeds which go along with your kindness and love of life....and those you hold so dear...don't be afraid to tell really helps, not    A hug says a million words...did you know that?   Well, it really hug today.


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