Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Good Morning!!!

The sky is not this bright yet, the hospital lights that surround the roof top of the hospital wing are lit like little stars and bright deep yellow.  The early riser is up and the shades open and the little pink Christmas tree is lit.  An early morning scene for me and a pretty one.   It is very quiet, no traffic as yet and no shading of light between the earth and the is somewhere around five a.m.  ....don't have to be up and about but the body clock differs.   

I had a quiet day yesterday, nothing to share as to news here as some of the folks got on a bus and went Christmas shopping or grocery shopping.   It was cold out there so I stayed cozy and warm with my book.  There is something wonderful about hunkering down with a good book and getting lost in a story.    I didn't have company so I didn't have to share those delectable chocolates.

A new day, have no idea what is in store for me.   Time will tell and then I can share words with you.    Make your day a good one.   Be kind, be generous, take time to light a candle for those who have gone before us.   Take time out to visit someone who can't go out;  it has to get lonely and a  bit of shared time perks one up.   A few Christmas cookies, a bright smile, a little of your time....the best gift of all.   SO!!!!  Be good, be kind, be generous to a fault and put a smile on your face and get busy making today a good day for you and your friends...and an enemy or two.....I do count my blessings having YOU for a friend....Thank YOU!!!  I wouldn't want to be without YOU!!!!

GO...Have a good day, all YOU!!!

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