Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Good Morning

Good Morning, hopefully a day of rainbows. . . I wish you doubles!!
You know there is one in every crowd . . . sometimes two...YOU and ME!!!!  Smile!!!
Today is a good day to tell tales.....

Good Morning.   It is still pitch black out there in the parking lot;   no window shades up in the hospital building, much too early...has to be around five a.m.  ....I know, what am I doing  up?   Who knows, I don'

A new day soon to start, coffee is gone so I need to stop for a refill;   do not go away, I'll be back...maybe stop and have a piece of toast so I get the brain working and make a little promises!!!  I'll be right back!!!
Well, coffee is hot and so good..yum!!   There is nothing 'good' in this house, not a sweet crumb to be had, not even a sour one... I cannot imagine who eats all of those tasty treats that come in the door.   Toast is okay, but it is not the same as a big round sweet roll......a big fat jelly doughnut.....even French toast wouldn't be all bad...but the chef is busy and I am out of good things to mix so a trip to the store is in order.....doesn't do much to appease the sweet tooth right now though .....yeah, I know if wishes were horses beggars would,  wishful thinking, if you were out and about

I wish you a good day....all day....I wish you good to do all you wish to do....and most of all I wish you lots of laughter in your happy today.  Time for hot coffee, feet up, news on......a new day.....aah!!!

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