Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Friday Eveni

I would have liked to have had this for dinner but that was not to be;  soup is good!!!
What I would like to have done today...but I sat!!!
It is good to be reminded!!  Now to apply it!!!

It is Friday evening and I am sitting here at the computer which is in front of the big picture window overlooking the court yard and the hospital wing and the huge trees behind it.  The sky is mostly white from billowy clouds that are just hanging there;  not moving;  no color to speak of;  well, a bit but so faint it is hardly worth mentioning.   It has been a good day, a quiet day, some drop in company which I always enjoy.  One of the ladies stopped in and was feeling sad because of the loss of one of our mates.   It takes a day or two to sink in, and then the feeling of loss takes over and we realize, after a trip upstairs to the lunch room, that someone is missing and the truth sinks in.
Pat has taken my suitcase off and tomorrow we start off for California for granddaughter Erin's wedding.   I will have tales to tell when I return. So, I am going to be short and sweet;  have no new news to share anyway....It is Friday evening, tv blaring ads..what else...if we got just news we wouldn't know what to do with   I walked out around the corridors for exercise.   I have had my dinner but no desert..'there is nothing good in this house' have heard that before.   I think a cup of hot tea will suffice....a little peanut butter on a cracker is a fair substitute ...but only!!    "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite"  I will catch up when I get back from my trip and have a tale or two to share....mind your YOU and share YOU with those you love and like.   Sweet dreams when you get there.  Hugs to all.


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