Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday -Laundry Day!!!

A new day breaking, cars parked, workers heading for the hospital building, shades down, quiet prevails and 'the sound of silence'.   A new day, a new early morning with a few cars parked but a lot of empty spaces yet to be filled.   Inside of this building there is silence.  Folks sleeping in this morning.   I am off for a right back.

Aah!!!  Hot coffee,  a wake up cup of hot coffee....good taste, good and hot,  sip, sip, and now for the say ????   have no idea, haven't any real new or exciting news this morning.  It is Friday, all day, and laundry day for if that is something to get excited about, then I will have to find my hiding place as I don't feel any excitement yet.   smile!!!! 

The sky is clear, the trees are not moving;  the hospital shades are down but for one room and that has no lights on, but the window shades are open.  So someone is awake and waiting for their new day to start.    I wake up before the birds, a bad habit, but too late to change it 

So, go and have yourself a good day, all something for someone you love , for someone you like and for someone you are 'so-so' how many you count in that!!!!

I am going for a refill of my coffee;   I do make a good pot of coffee each morning so I can wake the body up;  the mind?? a different!!  That haircut yesterday turned out short...I mean short....a boy cut....oh well, it will grow out eventually.....I think!!! 
Hope there are rainbows in your skies today, bright and beautiful, just like YOU!!

I will love you and leave you..have a good breakfast and a walk out if you have a mind set for some exercise.   ...not me, I am turning the tv on;  see what happened in the night and hunker down with my hot coffee....later gater...have yourself a day to remember.    Good folks, good deeds and share a hug or two.  Hugs to all.

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