Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


Our roadways and bi-ways are covered with this bright yellow colorful bush...spreads like wild fire and I understand it burns like we need to be careful and we need to treat it like the weed it is and not think of it as beautiful...which it really is...a very colorful weed.

I have three banks, one fat piggy, which will take some time to fill..if at  the other two are small and lean ..absolutely no noise when you shake!!!!  

It would be nice to be queen of the cactus but I am afraid of!!!

I just got back from the lunch room, spent a little time with the big puzzle on the table with Lois and we didn't find any pieces.  It really is a very tough one.  It is slow going, and several other folks have had a try but have not come back as yet.    The big problem is not the puzzle itself but there is little or no light in the corner and no lamps to be had.  We need more light .

Lunch is over, most have gone to their 'caves' and are snoozing.   I have my door open, it is a beautiful day;  too lazy to walk to the corner today;  thought about it but then decided to skype instead.   Not much to talk about is beautiful, full of clouds, tiny ones that are bundled together and not moving at all.   The worker's cars are all parked with only one or two spaces open at most.   A quiet Saturday and that isn't bad.

I miss Patricia who is off in Wyoming with Jock and a couple of family members.   I was hoping to see Erin and go for a treat but she has company and busy.  Christine is usually busy so I don't expect to hear form her but have high hopes she might think of  having a dinner break and invite me, I can hope.!!!!  What is that saying about 'if beggars were horses...etc"  I perk up a the mention of a ride but then I am spoiled and want to go out the door....oh well.....beggars cannot be choosers....isn't that part of the old saying?

I am going to take my shoes off;  I am going to sit in my easy chair and make up my mind to either read my book, sketch a bit or watch the Saturday well you know me....ha.ha.

I'm more ways than one...but that is what happens when you get this old....but like Methuselah , cheated on that spelling, I will be satisfied with whatever comes this way today and relax and enjoy. 

Be good, be kind, be all you can be today and every day.  Be YOU....Be a friend and catch up with a bit of news from your end.   Hugs to all.

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