Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thursday afternoon....after two p.m.

I am singing, and you cannot hear me, so count your!!!  The sky is electric white and grey, trees are still, cars all parked for the day and silence at the moment.  I just returned from the dining area where I spent some time with Lois trying to find some puzzle pieces.  It is a  'doozy' and very difficult to find the right piece for the right space.  They all want to not one does until you hunt and finally find a piece...a challenge and that makes it fun.

It is crowded in the parking area, not one open space today.   The blinds are down in most of the hospital wing windows, all but one but not a sign of anyone within.    I thought I was seeing things early this morning when I opened my door and looked out at the trees.  They are turning color, fall colors already, way to early.   

I had a note from John today and all is going well down at the wedding.   They have the house all set, folks coming in, food galore and special treats and all is as it should be.   No  Well, I have one or two but nobody listens..ha.ha.ha.

I am off to make myself a cup of hot tea and relax with the TV on and some words to find to fit the newspaper puzzle.   It never does get finished but I do make a

I am going to love you and leave you for now....a tea break is necessary to keep me happy....I miss my family and am a tiny bit 'put out' that I am not with them instead of here all by myself....poor, poor me!!!!  Ha, ha...well how often do I get to gripe and groan and moan when I don't get MY WAY!!!!  ha, ha....

So...tea time....I am going to go put the water on to heat;  look for a cookie, I think I have some lemon ones on a top shelf out of my reach....but I do have a little step stool that works just!!!

Have yourself a good rest of the day and enjoy it to the hilt.   I wish you good health and happiness and a little hugging in between.    Go.....make the rest of today special, just like YOU.  Hugs to all.

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