Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Old Pics, New Words!

Looking out the apartment window before the folks wake up time, there is lights on in two apartments;   puddles on the street;    pitch black but slowly moving towards a bit of light in the sky....the quiet of a new morning!!
a favorite picture of a tree of life;  what a story it could tell!!
a saying about a bird in hand and some in a bush!!!  You know it, but I don't remember the lines; some say the memory is first to go....I think mine 'went'....

A new day, looks like it rained and the feeling of fog is in the air;  probably the residue of rain in the wee hours.   The cars are parked, one on an angle taking up two the driver hears about that!!    The cars are coming in slowly this morning, probably the drivers are hunkered down in their beds and really don't want to get up until they have to.    There is something special about lying in bed listening to want to roll over and sleep longer....good idea!!!

No special plans for today .  If I do get out, I am going to hunt for a Mary Laswell book, "Suds In Your Eyes"  a hilarious story of ladies who build a fence with empty beer cans.   I would like friends like that, think of the laughter and fun you would have.

So today, be good, be kind, be gentle and do some good deeds....more than not be stingy!!
You have the power to make those you love and like smile, so get busy.   A little rain wont hurt you, go for a walk in it and find out how wonderful it really is.    You do not need an umbrella, it only hides the view, put on your rain bonnet and go for a walk, sing if you feel like it, knock on a friend's door and share a cup of cocoa, tea, coffee, or even a glass of water.   Be YOU and share YOU with those you love and like.   Make today a great day!!!

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