Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, November 6, 2017


The look of 'wisdom'!!!  I hope there is wisdom shining from your eyes today. . . a new day...all something 'good' for YOU!!!
A little Bosai I've shown before but so lovely to look and shadows....a nice mixture.
An uplifting flower;   an eye of wisdom;  petals that can tell a fortune....he loves me...he loves me know he does!!!
A new day, wonder what is in store for us.   At this moment I have opened the blinds to darkness, the only ray of light is from a small bulb on the side of the hospital building.   The blinds are drawn, no one up as yet, way too early...must be at least five thirty, but wouldn't bet on it.    I woke up...and here I am...ready or not for a brand new day.  Yesterday was a fun one spent with the girls.  I was treated to dinner and Christine was the cook for the day.   She made a special soup that was delicious and I got to watch the Hallmark specials on Netflick.   The cats must like the sounds as they stayed right with me.   The crusty bread is always good for dunking...yum...not a thing to complain!!

Was this the weekend to turn the clocks back....'spring ahead...fall back'...I think mind is going off on roads of its own so I'll have to check with the girls and see that I do the right thing.   I would hate to be the only one showing up for a date and no one!!!   Speaking of good to yours....exercise it..use it....take care of it....age has a way of changing things...and not always to your works great for so many years and then the nineties enter the picture and it seems to want to go off by itself and leave you far behind....stay wise and keep your thinking cap in order as you really do need it more now than ever.    I think the expression used to be that we should 'open a trap door and let out all the old useless stuff'   and then give room to the new thought and deeds we still have to do.   We have a way to go yet, so don't hesitate to exercise the brain.

So...I am off to a new week.   I have some unfinished chores, you know the ones you put off today for tomorrow and tomorrow is here to you know I"ll be busy today catching up with myself.    Right now it is pitch black out my window, not a light on at the hospital wing, no cars coming or going, makes me wonder what time it really is...probably sleep is that!  If I turn on the television, hunker down in my chair I would find it good to me....I'm new day can start later.

Hugs to all.

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