Good morning. It is 5:59 AM the last of February with March winds waiting in the wings.....Until the blinds are fixed, I am facing a wall, so cannot tell you what the weather is like out there. I could walk over and open the blinds and look out but I am heading in the other direction to fill my coffee cup and open the other eye. I'll be back..don't go away!!
AAH!!!! Coffee!!! Coffee!!!! I thought there was one more doughnut ..nope...somebody ate them all up!!!
It is hump day, wonder what is in store for us. I could turn on the television but then I'd break the lovely silence...not quite ready for it ..yet!!
Quiet is good. It is the break we give ourselves before the noise of today.
I didn't do anything, go anywhere, but did manage to wile away yesterday; all day!! I have a good book going. I have a little piece of sewing art I am working on; not very good at it, but the fun is in the trying. I thought of painting but then I'd have to get all of the materials out and set up and that seemed like too much to do...lazy???? Not me!!! Just didn't feel like being productive and that is okay, one cannot be 'doing' all of the time....lazy is good for the mind, probably not for the body...maybe a walk out today will take care of the neglect of yesterday.
So, today be good to sure you give yourself a break. Don't forget to be good to your neighbor, your friends, your family, maybe not in that order, but share YOU with those you love and like. Kindness is a lovely word and a better deed so put it into practice today. See what you can do to make your family and friends perk up just because you came into their sight. YOU!! Hugs to all.