Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

When old is new again!!

and you turn the corner of your mouth up and show those pearly whites and let a sparkle come from your eyes..that is a GOOD MORNING right of passage into your new day!!

I doubt you have such an elaborate buffet to go to this morning . . . buttered toast and hot coffee isn't all!!

and if I had my druthers I'd be out walking along the beach listening to the sound of the waves pounding on the shore....

but being hunkered down and in isn't all bad as it gives  us time to catch up with our family and friends on the computer.   The sky is a soft lavender shade, the cars are all parked and most of them a light grey, shades are still drawn in the hospital wing, that is, all but one so someone is ready to start a new day.  My words echo themselves each morning as the days routine begins.

The, or I should say, my world became a bit lighter as I found my 'lost' keys.  They were hiding in my laundry basket and how they managed to nest there is beyond me...The basket is beside the closet door so it was inevitable they would find their way to the floor...but when you think about it, an impossible event;  one key..yes;   but a whole bunch seems a little out of the ordinary....but keys have a mind of their own...have you discovered that? 

I am off for my new day, no plans as yet, but will make some before long....have to get both eyes open before I can do anything such as planning a new day.    I would like to go for a ride down to the Manchester Grill and take the girls to lunch.  The area is special with a lovely restaurant which serves really good food;   a small beach area overlooking the water and you can see Seattle across the water.   Our run away trip which encompasses country roads, lovely homes, farm lands, one with a couple of camels to greet us.   I'll put my shoes on...just in!!

Go. have yourself a good day ...all day...doing what YOU love to do best.    Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU, the one who creates smiling eyes in friends and foe alike.   Line up a good deed or two;  hugs are needed;   wanted and special;    so go and light up your world.

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