Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, February 5, 2018

A New Day!!

and he knows what he is talking be compassionate..
really truly....give it some thought and not only will the sun shine but so will YOU!!!
I was looking for a four leaf clover to share with YOU!!!

Good morning.   A new week about to start and I have no special plans.  A sort of 'one day at a time' attitude and see what I can try to accomplish this week.    What I would like to do is pack a bag and go off on a trip and take my camera with me.   Just think of the pictures I could take and then I could share them with you later on.    There are no such plans as there is the mundane housework to be done, laundry, dusting and there is shopping to do....what is that old saying???  Beggars cannot be choosers......some things we learn early in life, so we hunker down and get things done and live in high hope that changes will be on the way.....a trip???   a walk???  dinner out???   friends in???   well life throws us a surprise now and then so maybe, just maybe this week is going to be full of them.   Then the old adage comes to mind..."You get out of life what you put into it, no more, no less".....but that does not have to be your motto, put on your thinking cap, find your shoes, open the door and go out and see what awaits you today.....surprises both good and bad but nothing that you cannot handle.   Be of good spirits and participate in today...Find your way to a little happiness and smile or sit and sulk;  the choices are yours.  So, I am waiting for my day to begin, it is much to early right now as it it pitch black out my window, nothing moving, no lights on in the hospital wing and no cars coming in to park for the is just too early.....I don't know what folks mean about the early bird and the worm....there is nothing but blackness out my window and I am not about to go out and see what is out there.

So, make a plan or two and put your shoes on, open the door, and go........I am sure you will find something to do that you really want to do...housework  waits without a complaint so why worry;  go...have yourself a little fun today and start your new week off with a smile.   Those who complain will any way, so....go...have a good day, all day doing what YOU like to do.    

Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!!!  Hugs to all.

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