Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday Morning

Good Morning!!!  Sky is pewter in color, the trees are still, cars are parked on 'my' side of the parking lot this morning and everyone is in, no empty spaces this morning. Only one shade up over in the hospital wing.  Quiet prevails...and my coffee is ready so off I go to fill a cup, sip, wake up and visit with you.

AAH!!!!  Coffee,, black, and Maxine is on my cup saying "I'm not grouchy by nature.  It takes constant effort."   Yep, a favorite cup.

The little blue bird is on the roof top across the way and has a really great view of a small tree with leaves of gorgeous red  and yellow, more gold than yellow. The worker cars are parked over here on my side of the driveway and three hospital wing rooms have blinds open and more not.  So the words do not change much each day....a new day...

You must get tired of the same old words every morning, but each day begins the same in its beginnings, but given an hour or two and plans begin to form and the door opens and out comes to mind;  but....Friday is a 'work' day with laundry to do, dusting is never finished and a trip to the grocery store might be in the offering;  yes, the cupboards are bare...they have a way of getting that way. 

Yesterday was a good day shared with my girls.   Today it is back to work, chase the dust kitties, fill the shelves with goodies;  soup is good;  crackers are good too;  maybe some hamburger for a big fat juicy hamburger for my dinner...with I had better see to my coffee here and now and find a piece of is time to get off my duff and on to the 'working' world.   smile!!!  Have a good day...all day...doing what YOU love and like to do with those you like to do it happy today.  Hugs to all.

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