Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sunday Afternoon

Good Afternoon, a tiny squirrel is running across the street, and, one bird, with a red like coat, is sitting on the roof top on the hospital wing.   It is cloudy in our skies today, but not much of interest, mostly a bank of white clouds, a 'patch' of blue and some grey clouds that are floating shapes, and a few very bright blue tiny wispy clouds in a sea of grey.   It is quiet.   It is still.   It is Fall as the bush outside my window attests to with its branches of russet shades,leaves of gold, a bit of green yet to turn and the beauty is awesome.   How lucky we are to have such beauty in our lives when the season changes...Fall is really beautiful.

It is Sunday all day  and I had a great start with breakfast out with my girls...nothing pleases me more and I do not have the words to tell them how much they mean to me.  I've used thousands of them over and over and there is never enough words to wrap them in the love I feel.   A wonderful way to start a Sunday morning...breakfast coffee.....and a choice from the menu of what you like and enjoy.   Tales to tell and listen to;   smiles, giggles and grins, hot tasty food served.   A great way to start a Sunday morning.

I came back and joined the ladies up in the dining room;  did a bit of puzzling; then came down to quiet.  It isn't all bad but...the proverbial does get lonely and the television gets a workout...I thought of going for a walk, but did this age hunkering down in an easy chair is so much easier to do....

So Sunday is a day of rest and resting I really know how to am nearing dinner time and am going out to my kitchen, and find some soup to heat up....chicken noodle is good;   chicken vegetable is better;   French onion, wonder if I have any crackers....I'll have to go find out.   Enjoy your repast....make it a good one...share it if you can as that makes it all the more fun. 

I hope your Sunday has been a good one.  I hope you found things to do and places to go and folks to go along don't forget to share a hug or two....I'll take a verbal one any time. YOU...have the rest of the day to yourself.   Hugs to all.

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