Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

It is To Saturday....All day!!!

 Good Morning.   A good way to start off and say Good Morning;   the sky is a beautiful soft blue, the trees are still, the bird is on the roof top, cars are parked and the blinds still drawn in the hospital wing...a new day...a Saturday all day, and it is quiet around here inside and out.  Good Morning!!!
We are never to busy to salute our flag.  It is such an awesome sight, really stands out and reminds us who we are.

Daughter Patricia has such beautiful hands,  long fingers, lender, beautiful and is an excellent driver.   We were off to yard sales yesterday, fun, and even found a treasure or two.

This is what one looks like when the brain begins to go off on its own path...I am getting that look more every!!!

Good Morning.  It is Saturday.   I am looking out my window and see the pavement is still wet, so we must have had some rain in the night and I did not hear it, but then I had some sleeping to do as I had a great day, a long day, a yard sale day and it was fun to go hunting for treasures.  I found a couple and have a new lazy Susan on my table.  I also have a new candy dish that is empty, but not for long..ha.ha....the big job is making a decision as go what to put into really doesn't matter as no matter what goes into the dish disappears before you can admire the contents of the

So we have a new Saturday, grey skies, probably a little rain earlier  but  clear now.  The bird houses look cute over in  the window of the patient across the way, four of them, one a bright red, a long one and two short house like ones.  The birds should be happy, wonder if they put any seeds in not.  silence prevails.   A new cream colored car is out in the lot this morning.  It has a vanilla cast to it, looks new, shiny, bright and beautiful.  Next to it is an all black coupe with a huge window with something hanging from its window but it is to dark to see.  It is Saturday, the folks sleeping in, don't have to get up and rush about.  

So that is the news this morning...not much ...just a good morning, hope your day is wonderful, just like you...fill your hours with love and laughter and take a few minutes to stop by  your church and say a prayer for the 'departed souls' and a few for those of us who seem to lead the  Be a good neighbor, a best friend, a lover, a wonder who shares love and laughter today.   Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!!  Hugs to all.

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