Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday Evening

Hello. The sun is shining bight on the hospital wing windows, blinds are down in all but one window. One of the visitors is walking up the pavement with a beautiful big dog. like a police dog. can't think of the name, but a beauty and a large dog. The sun is out still, shining on the hospital roof top and the trees are still. Not many cars left out there, folks have finished up their days work and have gone on to bigger and better things to going out and having a bit of One bird still on the roof top. The bird feeder is moving a little as one bird is sitting on the window sill looking in to the window. I bet the occupant is getting a kick out of that. All the other windows have the blinds drawn for the night. Some cars parked but a lot of empty spaces. All is silent out there. It has been a good day. I didn't do much of anything special but I did get to enjoy some time with the girls. I spent time with Pat and watched television shows we like,and Chris stopped in to say hello and join us for a little while. Friday evening and it is after eight o'clock p.m. The sun is out and it is beautiful out there. Not many cars left as the workers finish their shifts and go home for the rest of their day. So...all in all, it has been a good day. I am heading for the kitchen and warm up some coffee. I think there is a small 'goodie' let, but that would be nothing short of a miracle.....something sweet left...ha.ha. I don't think so....but miracles do happen. Have yourself a good rest of today. Enjoy your television programs or company if you have some. Feet up, a cool drink, a bit of something sweet or sour which ever is to your liking. I am off to watch some a cup of hot coffee will have to do as I think all the 'good stuff' was taken care of hours ago. Shopping day coming up and my list is Long..... Have a good rest of today. Sleep sweet when you get there. Check back tomorrow and keep me posted as to how you are doing. All is good here today. Take good care. Hugs to all.

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