Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Survival . . . an old tree stump....desert heat.....and a chance to sprout a new limb or two; sometimes old is new, you just have to wait awhile to see what develops.
There is something special about having a bowl of flowers in your home.  They bring the warmth and sunshine inside and hope for a little special care from you...aah how they gift you with beauty and color.
Good lucky we are to have them in our lives.   Be sure you take time today to meet and greet a friend, memory builders, hugs to make your day bright and beautiful.

Pitch black outside my window this morning.   The folks over in the hospital wing are not stirring as yet.   It is very early .....really to early to think about staying up and,...tell that to this body of mine that once it wakes it is for the day no matter what I think.    Coffee is tasty....needs a reheat...I'll be back.  I am thinking you have heard those words, I am a coffee drinker and that is how I start my day....a big mug filled to  the brim with black hot taste buds are happy, and the big fat bun helps as the fingers get lighter on the keys and the mind fills with thoughts.

I wish I had a lot of new words to share but I have not gone anywhere new and different...think about it,  but the opportunity isn't here as of these days...and then I'll have some new words to share.....well, I can dream can't I?    Speaking of dreaming, I had a chance to watch the best show last evening...Tony of my favorites....what a spectacular , fun, and enjoyable many favorite songs which brought back wonderful memories  of when you had a chance to dance the night away.   Aah,memories are good, fun, and  so good for the soul.  If there is a next time around I think I'll ask for musical talents;  I sure missed out this!!  

So, with that, I am off to start my new day.   I did get my laundry done yesterday, but I never did look for the duster is dust day.  ...  smile!!   I think I could write my name on my desk top but I am not going to do it and show off....  I have a little wooden angel sitting close by to remind me that there is work to be done.  I have a glass en holder but no pens;  wonder where they went.....probably over on the coffee table waiting to be picked up and put back in place.  ....I'm off.....well you already know that......a refill, hunker down in my chair, turn on the TV and see what happened in the wee hours....feet up.....heavy lids...maybe a short snooze.....maybe......right now I am going to love you and leave you....Have yourself a great day ...all day....and don't forget it is hugs that make our day special.

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