Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Good Morning.  It has to be all of five a.m. or maybe a little more now since I have been sitting here trying to think of something interesting to write about....a trip out with the ladies yesterday was good;   we got on the bus, chose a seat, strapped in and off we went....and....didn't go far as we drove over to the restaurant for breakfast out and the Tea Room was crowded with folks, just like us, a group, out and ready to enjoy the day.    The service is excellent, the food tasty and the ladies all happy to be out and about.   We were going for a ride out into the country and there would be lakes and farm lands and peace and contentment as we drove along.   The weather was iffy....maybe we would get a little rain, or a lot, the day would out itself and we would enjoy the views through rain drops on our window.   

The trip turned out to be a success.  We all enjoyed the ride and enjoyed it even more as there was no rush or fuss.   We were out for the day and we relaxed and enjoyed our time away.    In the meantime, my girls went shopping for groceries so I came back to a counter filled with 'goodies' I was either out of, or low know coffee, tea bags, cookies...the important things in our lucky I am to have two beautiful daughters who have such good taste and care....yep, lucky and thankful.  I get the bill maybe, if they have a little free time I can take them out for dinner tonight.  I'll have to check and see what is on the calendar today.

Meanwhile it is very early and no one is up and about; you can hear a pin drop;  sleepers;   no one moving . . . that wont last long as breakfast time is here and if you are like me, you wake up hungry and head for the kitchen.    Speaking , of which, I need a refill and I am hungry so I think I'll fix something to go with my coffee . . . 'there is nothing good in this house' have heard that a dozen times but it is the truth...there is bread for toast but that isn't something 'good', that is a necessary   

So take yourself out to your kitchen and fix yourself a hardy breakfast;  something delicious and tasty like a stack of pancakes or an awful waffle that cries for blueberries, or some one favorite delicious choice of your own.....go....enjoy....then add a merry face, a big smile, a hug or two and get on with your day. YOU!!

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