Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

A View!!

Good morning!!!  It is five thirty two a.m. the third day of May, quiet prevails, not a breeze to be had as the trees are still, no movement at all.  The sky itself is awesome this morning, a shade of light blue with a shaded moon of gold.   Silence....and my coffee cup is empty.....I'll be back!!!

The cars are coming in slowly, parking on this side of the street or walkway, I should say, usually they park across the street in front of the hospital wing.  It is only a little after five thirty as I already pointed out...but with one eye open you can expect     The moon is white with blue markings in it and the light orange reflecting the sun so a new day begins.  I am in awe of the trees as there is no movement at all this morning;  quiet,  stillness.  The worker cars are coming in slowly , looks like there is room for one more.  Right now there is one black, one silver and two white cars  and an open space right under my window;  um...wonder who will park there and what color car....I should find out soon.

Daughter Pat and I went card shopping yesterday and that is always fun.   We are sharing a birthday month, me ancient and her    We will have to choose a special restaurant and choose our favorite meal.....a really tender steak and a baked potato sounds good to me . 

So with no new words to share, I think I will go hunker down in my chair, turn on the TV and see what the news folks have to say about what went on in  the night.....hopefully something good for a change....but no guarantee.....while sitting here talking with you, all of the cars are in, parked and the workers have walked in the door of the hospital wing and are already starting their work day...with a smile??? or is only six a.m. and their bodies are still!!!

I am off for a refill, some TV news, feet up, and a new day begins.   I hope your new day is as wonderful as you are....I hope your new day is full of laughter and love.   I hope YOU have a day to remember with fun and good memories to store...and, isn't that a lovely word?   I think share YOU with those you love and like...wrap those arms around them and make your today the best one yet.   Hugs to all.

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