Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mid Week

Good Morning this Wednesday at quarter to six this second of May , a little after five a.m., nothing moving, no noise of any kind...silence.......   I do not have to be up but I am, habits of a lifetime and there is no movement in the trees, no color in the sky, pale blue, still leaves as the trees are reaching for the sky but not making any movements as they do.  A couple of workers are parking and getting ready for a new day and I am almost to the end of my that will never do so off I go for a refill.

AAH!!!  Hot black sip and the eyes pop open.  The court yard is slowly filling up with the cars of the workers and not to close as one car is making sure it isn't  At this moment, stillness fills the air, not even a little breeze this morning.  The ornamental bushes take on the still manner of a guard, while the pink azalea bush adds some color and brightness to the small garden patch.  Sh!! the shades are all closed...not a creature is stirring...not even a mouse....ha.ha....haven't seen one of those in a very long time.

Son John wrote telling about how much he and Jo enjoyed having Christine visit.  I have been invited to come but I am to check with Christine first as she managed to survive their stairs.  I gather they have a lot of them...and John is worried as to how I would survive them.    I am having another birthday this month so maybe I had better think twice about distance travel and stairs...this old gal isn't what she used to!!

So ...I am off to finish my blog, refill my coffee cup and turn on the television and see what has  happened in the wee hours.    All of the worker's cars are in, all parked for the day while you and I have been gabbing.   There is a new white car out there this morning complete with a sticker in the windshield.   I rechecked the trees and there is no movement, no wind, silence....think I'll go hunker in my chair and watch the news.   Go....have yourself a really g o o d day and have a little fun.  Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!!  Hugs to all.

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