Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Good Morning!!!!

Good Morning!!!!

The sun is out, bright and beautiful, the trees are still, not a leaf stirring.   The worker cars are parked and silence is right here;  not a movement at all, even the breeze is lacking and everything is still, quiet, motionless....guess it is time for a refill and make a little noise...quiet is good....silence???  lonely!!

A new day, a has a nice ring to it.   A catch up day;  a day to take notes and get ready for some grocery shopping....'there is nothing good in this house'   . . . cannot imagine who eats all the goodies.  I looked for some and there is a lot of space in  the cupboards.   Time to shop.  Time to add a few extra goodies to the list....wonder if they have those fattening white covered doughnuts; bet they do....I'll look when I get to the store, no sense in leaving them there.

It looks like a beautiful day out there.  The sun is up and hitting the little tree in the side yard of the hospital wing.   I have one tiny Christmas like tree to look at; a beautiful bush of color that cannot be called red but is of that family;  more of a light rose shade but that doesn't do it justice.  No breeze this morning, stillness, quiet....brings to mind that song with the words "a hush all over the world"  . . . a Cannon moment on what silence looks like.

So....I am off....some days more than others, smile!!!   I need a refill, put on some news, enjoy a few more minutes to hunker down and do nothing that requires!!!   Go....find an easy chair, turn on the news and put your feet up for a while longer....refresh your morning libation and put a smile on your face as a new day is about to begin and we are the on stage actors for until we drop...good idea....I know just where the doughnuts are housed.....I'll see you later gater!!!!  Have a G O O D good, be kind, be YOU!!!!  Hugs to all.

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