Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Saturday, all day!!

and he or is it a she?, wore a Joseph's coat today.  There is something to be said about colors that mix and match.
A truism.   Test it out today and listen to quiet. . .

Saturday a good day, a day to catch up with yourself and do all of the last minute chores you put off all week...then, you can relax and have a Sunday all your own.

I am sitting here, at my desk, looking out the widow to the courtyard where all the worker cars are parked for the day.   It is very early, the blinds are still drawn and there is not one person walking about.   Silence!!!   A soft grey sky this morning, a tiny patch of blue peeking through.   The little birds are flying bye my window, probably looking for a balcony with some bird food.  Some of the folks are generous and keep the birds well fed and happy. 
I had a doctor visit yesterday and have medication for a toe that wants to hurt.   If there is a next time around I am going to ask for 'pretty' feet, small ones for a change and a little tiny beauty for a change, as   I should not complain as these feet have taken me around the world and back again and stayed strong.    Big....well that is a sign of a 'good nature' so I 'm told.  smile!!!!

It is Saturday morning and there is a sky filled with a bit of light but a lot of darker grey clouds.  It is early so it may change, if not maybe a bit of rain...that would be a change and good for the trees and shrubs.   I have two very pretty shrubs across at the hospital wing grounds, one is a definite bright light pink, a bit of depth to it and the other on the dark pink side, more red than pink and very pretty.   The worker cars are parked on 'my' side so I am looking into the driver's windshield but not seeing much of anything.  All this you have heard am off for a refill,  hot black coffee, a bit of tv and find out what has happened during the black of night.   I hope your day is special, just like you, and I hope you get to do exactly what you want to do today....something fun, something good for you, something to make you happy.    Be good, be kind, be that one person everyone wants to walk into their door today.     Enjoy today!!  Hugs to all.

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