Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tuesday Morning

A rose is a rose is a!!!

and there is something special about a red rose!!

A new day, a new morning, a quiet morning as the worker's cars are all parked, facing my window, and there is a different coupe out there this morning, soft top, white with a light grey or soft blue trim.   One worker walking in slowly, seems to be putting his foot up on a curb and back down as he walks along.   Probably wishful thinking and would like to be back in his bed.

The hush of early morning;  No wind of any kind.  The sky is very light and bright, a tinge of blue.  Take time this morning to fill your 'cuppa' and go outside and sit in awhile looking at the amazing designs in the tree tops. Nature at its best, how lucky we are.

A new day to celebrate, a catch up day after a long holiday weekend.   The end of May and we now get ready for the June brides...yes we have a special one as our Erin is going to be married to Donaleo and the excitement and plans begin to merge.  

I am off for a refill, my cup is empty.   I am off to watch a bit of news before getting showered and dressed for a new day.   I still have sweet thoughts of my quiet time in Pat's yard yesterday, and later of browsing through a store looking for treasures.   Some of the 'old' things we see, touch and decide to leave behind are treasures of another time and there is not enough room to add any more  I hope you enjoy today, make the best of your seconds and keep a smile on your face and a lot of love in your heart for those you love and like.  Surround yourself with beauty;  go out the garden and pick a few flowers to bring inside and fill your home with beauty and love.

Be YOU!!  Hugs to all.

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