Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

A New Thursday morning!!

Good morning.   It is pitch black out my window, a light on in one of the hospital rooms across the way, the tarmac looks dry and no cars are coming in yet.  A new day, a Thursday all day, um...wonder what is in store for us.  We are about to find out.

My coffee is hot and delicious, my raisin toast is long gone and it was tasty.  I want to share some words with you but there really is nothing new and different so I will wish you a good today ...go and have a good day, all day, doing what you love to do best.   Share YOU with those you love and like.   A good deed or two should help make the day go bye sweet rather than sour.   

As for me, no plans, a down day is always good as it gives one time to catch up with themselves.   So...go ...put your coffee or tea on and sit awhile.  Turn on the news and listen to what has transpired on the night.   It would be nice to hear some news that was uplifting but the studio seems to think we need gloom and doom to survive.   I am hearing we are going to have a few heavy showers but then it will turn colder and clearer for the weekend, so it isn't all

Holiday shopping comes to mind and I have no ideas on what I want to buy for gifts this year;   a looking expedition is in store and maybe, just maybe, something will pop up and want to come home with me and I can cross a name of my shopping is never easy and it would be much easier if we had a hint or two for a want instead of a

Make your today a good YOU and share the day with lots of love and laughter.  I'm off.....well you already know that..ha.ha.   catch up and let me in on what you are up to today.   Hugs to all.

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