Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Tuesday!!

Good morning!!!  It is a dark sky, no stars, no moon, no noise of any kind, even the car motors of the incoming workers are quiet, maybe five a.m. or less, I haven't looked at the clock...ha,ha...if I did, I'd be back under the covers...but...the body clock is awake and says it is time to get up and!!! about???   I didn't go anywhere, or do anything exciting but the day went by fast and I have a brand new one to contend with.....shoe shopping...ooh!!! not fun, expensive and when you have 'long-fellows' it isn't easy to find 'a good looking shoe'.....but I am sure there is a pair waiting just for me and I'll be good for another year or two..ha.ha. 

The worker cars are coming in and I get a bit of the headlights as they park under my window.   I've been sipping my hot black coffee wishing for that some one thing to go with it but 'there is nothing good in this house';  have you heard that before?   ha..ha.  only a dozen times.

So....I am going to love you and leave you.  I hope your day is going to be one of your best yet.   Be good,  be kind, be gentle and lift the corners of your a friend today...a good one....a loving who makes the world light up when you walk in the door. YOU and spread a bit of love and laughter.  Hugs to all.

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