Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tuesday Morning

It is a good thing I have a little block calendar that tells me the day and not the date so I am in the dark as to what "time" it is and at this time of the morning, I could care    I have one eye open, coffee cup is empty so if you will excuse me, I am off for a refill...and then you have my attention.

The worker cars are parked on my side this morning, but it is to dark to tell what they look like.  It is silent, at the moment still, no noise of any kind.   My coffee is hot and tasty and that should help get the brain in gear .

We have a new Tuesday to fill;  um....wonder what is in store for us...something good I hope.    I have no special plans ...yet....   I'll come up with something...but what???  I'll let you know when I find!!  I do know we are going to visit some friends this evening and that is always fun.  Meanwhile I have hours of the day to fill and once I wake up, I will get busy...first some breakfast, I'm hungry...wake up hungry so that is what keeps my girlish figure and , as usual, there is 'nothing good in this house';   meaning no sweets..ha.ha.  .... but toast isn't all bad...doesn't have the allure of a big fat jelly doughnut but it serves a purpose...but leaves one wanting to fill the sweet tooth.   Oh well....beggars cannot be choosers.....I know what to put on the top of my grocery list.

So I wish you a good day, all day, doing what you love to do.   Go....make this a banner day and one you will remember with smiles.    Hug a friend or two;  cherish the ones you get and be as good as you can be...there are good deeds yet to be done.   Have a busy day, a good day, one you want to remember for a long time to come.   Start by being a 'friend' for me, I am going to love you and leave you and look for something 'good' to eat.....'there is nothing good int his house'....ha, have heard that before.   Go....make today special, just like YOU.

Hugs to all.

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