Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Day After the Feast....burp, burp, burp!!!!

Good Friday, the day after the feast and the festivities and the food and the stuffing of more than the

Not hungry today, wonder why???  could be I am like the Thanksgiving Turkey and am about good one complaint to be heard .

While I was up for lunch today, and I really was not hungry at all, some family elves crept into my apartment and left we with a huge beautiful bright red plant that makes the room come alive.  Goodies find their way in and not a sign of the magic elves that are coming in and out.   So I not only have reasons to be thankful but I have reasons to feel loved and cared for and that alone is worth the whole world with a fence around!!! 

So, I am thankful, grateful, well loved and have nothing to complain about...oh wait a minute, maybe I can think of truly am blessed.

So, thank you my magic elves, I know who you are and I will not get mad but you can bet I'll work on getting even...ha.ha.   hugs, love and don't forget I'll treat to a dinner out when you have the time....just let me know and I will put my shoes on.

My love, my thanks, I am waiting for you to come back.  Soon is good!!!

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