Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tuesday Evening Has a Nice Ring to it!!!

It is almost time to say goodnight.  If Pa was still with us, he would be walking around the room winding his clock and setting the alarm for five a.m., the start of his new day and the long walk to work..but not before he had made the coffee and had a bite.   A soft man, a loving man, and he rarely leaves the mind and heart as time takes us on a journey of our own.   October was his month and it did fit him to a 't';   a soft man, a wise man, and above all a very loving man.  He had the magic in his fingers for growing flowers of every kind;  special plants;  even weeds took on a magic of their own when he touched them.  October brings out memories that have a very special place in the heart.  How lucky we are to have memory banks to help up accept the changes in our lives and give thanks for the gifts they brought into out lives. 

Today was a good day, no complaints...ha.ha.  who would listen??  The weather was soft, cool, a Fall day.  Grocery shopping was fun, quick and easy as the list was short and of course 'sweet'   well, you know I have a sweet tooth!!

It was a 'good day' and a hug or two didn't hurt at all.    I hope your day was a good one.  I hope you shared you with those you love and like. 

I am looking at a tiny Christmas tree, all decorated and sitting in a corner making me smile.   Time flies, so it really is not to early to put it up.  I like looking at it anyway and I need to go look for a star for the top as I lost the one I had..or misplaced it and have not found out where I 'hid'   So my spirit is alive and growing.....Christmas...doesn't that have a lovely sound????  I think so!!!

So..get in the mood and get started...Hallmark Christmas shows;   decorations everywhere;  a few Bah Humbugs around and they just add a little challenge to make this holiday season the best ever.   I know, I know, we have to give thanks for the holiday season and celebrate Thanksgiving...the taste buds are singing....turkey, turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce....yum.....I am really not ready...but...I can get ready, ha, ha.

Be good.  be kind... be YOU.   Hugs to all!!

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