Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Now it is Tuesday Morning!!!

Good morning. A new day. There is a lot of white snow on the roof tops of the cars parked under my window. It looks like there are a few slivers of black clouds in the pale sky. The trees are still. The worker cars parked under my side this morning and the frost is thick on their roof tops. It looks cold out there and the bird is on the roof top sitting quietly. A new day My coffee is delicious, helping me to 'open the other eye' and decide what to do with my day. I have no plans at the moment but I am sure to make some before the day is over. A quiet day appeals to me as I am still a little congested from the head cold that didn't want to go its own way. The roof top across the way is loaded with a white frost. The tarmac is wet and the bushes look very pretty with their topping of snow. I am smiling as I look at the worker's cars parked under my window this morning. I would say about two inches of snow on one of the car tops and the others have just a slight showing of a white top, most have already been cleared. My coffee cup is empty so off for a refill. I will put my feet up, watch television news and wonder what is in store for us today. I am thinking of a grocery run as there is little in the cupboards this morning. Of course when you have a cold you want to eat...snacking goes with it....cold bugs are known as hunger bugs, we always want something and if it is 'good' then all to the better. Sweet cures...well you asked!!! I hope your day is wonderful. I hope you find interesting things to do with your hours. It is always fun to invite a friend or two for some tea...but the choice is yours, so choose!!! Make your today worthwhile. Hugs to all.

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