Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Now it is Wednesday afternoon!!!

I have a nasty cold in my head.....enough said......I do not like it.....have more to say about that!!! Sunshine, beautiful day and I am in..I really do not like it....but you already know that. Flu is miserable, but it will pass ..hopefully sooner than I think. I want it gone NOW!!! It is quiet around here. Everyone is going out and about and passing by my door as quietly and quickly as possible. They do not want the bug...I would be happy to share..ha.ha. no I really wouldn't but I sure wish I could find a spot to get rid of it so hopefully, one of these years a cure will be found. It can't happen soon enough to suit me. It is a beautiful sunshine day out there. Worker cars have been parked out there since early morning. There is no wind, so the trees are still. The snow on the roof is thin and slowly melting and the bird is still sitting up on the roof top along with a buddy or two today. Wow..three birds...a first. I am off to make myself something to nibble...there is nothing good in this house....ha.ha. you have heard that before. Hot tea is a cure all, so I will put the kettle on. I have had goodies so there is no appeal; thinking cold, ice cream and of course, there is none....nothing stays around here for more than a few hours...;probably would have it into minutes if the truth were known. ha.ha. I want...I want...not to be sick with a flu bug. I want...I want to be able to go out and about and enjoy the warm sunshine...oh well...beggars cannot be choosers so I'll go sulk , hunker down in my chair. watch tv...or maybe I'll read awhile.....Maybe I'll snooze and get over my sulk....I don't want to have a head cold. I don't want to be sick. I don't want a lot of things but sometimes we have no choice. It could be I'll be good, mind my manners and have a cup of hot tea...the cure all. Hope your day is a good one and you are enjoying being up, out and about, enjoying your day as you should. Go...practice being good a love....make someone smile. Thinking of that one of the ladies here is so good at doing that..she makes a point fo sharing and caring some one little thing when you are down and out...she manages to leave a little dish of something tasty, or a note, or a kind word wishing you good health, a kind and thoughtful lady ..a real sweet one. I'm off...going to watch tv for awhile....think about doing another row of crocheting.....or not...ha.ha. I'll be back. Hugs to all.

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