Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday All Day!!!

Snow on the roof tops and on the ground. It is pitch black out my window but the night light is on the hospital wall shining bright. A few cars coming in to park for the day and at this time of the morning I cannot see where the sky begins and ends. It is early. maybe around five, haven't looked at the clock...if I did I would be tempted to go back to Some folks have the early shift over at the hospital wing and I am betting it is a bit frosty out there as there is a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. Saturday has come and gone and there was nothing much happen around here. The flu bug is around and I am having a session with it as the bags under my eyes look like two peep holes in a blanket. Another quiet day in store for me and I was hoping to get out in the fresh air for a bit...but not today...oh well....flu just hangs in there. I am off to put my feet up, turn on the television and find out what has happened in the night. I am going to check the kitchen and see if , by any chance, there is something left out there for a breakfast....well food doesn't last around here for long....there is something about buying good stuff that keeps the cupboards bare. I wish you a good Sunday...a blessed Sunday...a Sunday that brings smiles to your face and a lot of love in your heart. Share YOU with those you love and like. Be a ray of sunshine and enjoy your Sunday. I am ff to my easy chair, tv going on and the kleenex box is at the ready...sniff...snaught.... and I do not like head colds. I do not like any kind of colds. I do not like being sick. I don't like a lot of things but they top my list today. Off for a refill of my coffee.....Off to hunker down and sulk....I am really getting to be a good at it..... So you have your marching orders for the day....GO.....have some fun....Do what you want to do...let the have to do go for another time. Today is YOUR day so enjoy it. Coffee'm coming, I'm coming......I don't like being sick with a head cold. I don't like being down and out ...I'd rather be up and out;...oh well, beggars cannot be choosers so the old adage goes. I am off to didn't know I was so good at it....well I've had a lot of practice lately...flu bugs are so easy to catch.....or I am improving with age.

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