Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Tuesday All Day!!!

Good Morning.    Pitch black out my window, Tuesday, a new day, only one light on in a window across the way, a senior lady propped up on her pillows most likely watching the television as she waits patiently for her breakfast.   I have had my first cup of coffee.   I am ready for a refill.   I had an English muffin that wasn't really good, but that was all there was this morning.    I cannot keep myself in sweets, so try not to buy them often as I don't have sense enough to spread them out but devour them as fast as I can.   A sweet tooth....a round figure and there is no cure that I know

We have a new Tuesday, right now pitch black outside so I have no idea what kind of a day we are in for.   I have no special plans so it really doesn't matter,    I was out and about yesterday, got my hair cut and got only a fair job.   Some of the girls cut my hair so it looks good and then there are one or two that cut and it develops a plan of its own .  I'd say this one isn't all bad but it isn't really a good cut either.   My ears are showing, the hair cut across the ear and I look like I need a shaping.  Some of the young ladies cut the hair just right and then I had to get the lady who loves to cut like she put a bowl over your head.   It will grow....In a week or two it will be just right and then it will need to be cut again..ha.ha.

I sound like I am groaning and moaning this morning...what a way to start a new week....I guess if I reheat my coffee mug and sip a little more hot coffee I will change my attitude.   I am going to hunker in my favorite chair, turn on the television and find out what happened in the night.

I hope your day is a good one filled with loving family and friends.   Balance your day with a little hard work, a few good deeds and 'make hay in the sunshine and have some fun.... be all you can be...kindness never goes out of style.  BUT, the cardinal rule is to have some and play go hand in hand.....chores first,   fun follows and you can chalk up another 'good' day.

Early morning to my easy chair, turn on the television, feet up and 'hunker down';   no rush, no fuss, it's early Tuesday morning...about five to early to be up and about....wrap up in my blanket....I can snooze through anything. 

Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU....Hugs to all.

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