Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Hump Day!!

Good Morning. A new Wednesday morning and it is hazy outside, a bit of fog in the trees, grey in the sky and all the worker cars are parked on 'my' side facing my window and one is a brilliant orange...tangerine might be a better color to say, stands out loud and clear with the white and black ones. There is a haze in the air, trees are still and the bird is on the roof to looking out over its world. A new Wednesday morning, that song with the words "a hush comes over the world" comes to mind. A new day and a day to check the figures of the budget and get ready for new days, weeks, and a bit of living for a follows another so the routine is easy, Now all I need is a big raise but that sure does not happen ...pinching pennies is getting to be a old one...ha.ha. I want a raise...I want some money in the bank....I want to travel....I want...I want.....ha...ha. I bet I am in good company. Well, there is nothing new and different to report this morning, It is quiet around here, the bird is on the roof top and not a leaf stirring. I am waiting for Chris to come and we are doing my budget for the month. There is so many ways to pinch a penny and I think I have thought of them all. I'd like a raise but that is not about to come about; if wishes were horses beggars would ride.....ha.ha. I'd probably get an old plow horse.... The morning quiet, the stillness of the trees, the pale sky and a blooming bush across the way tells me Spring is springing....right now I'd say we might get a little rain and that is okay. I like rain. I even like to walk in the rain. So, I wish you a good day, all day, doing what you want to do....if you left a chore or two for another day, well it wont hurt to leave alone for one more day...go out the door...find places to go and things to do and make your day bright and beautiful...just like you. A small truck like vehicle just went through and it is dirty...wonder if they know what a car wash is.....sad to see....some one is lazy. The macadam is wet looking although it is not raining at the moment. The little birds are over in the big flowered bush this morning. One is sitting on the roof top watching the cars come in and park. I wonder if it sits up there wondering which car to give a little gift Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!! Catch up when you have time. I want to know what YOU are curious ....wishful thinking as I'd like to be sharing time with YOU. Hugs to all.

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