Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday Morning

Good Morning. Pitch black out my window, one early riser over in the hospital wing, shades drawn, outside night light still on and nothing is moving at the moment. The worker cars will be coming in soon. It is night out there as you cannot see the sky and the big trees are mere shadows. It is silent right now, a quiet that permeates the air. My coffee is hot and delicious, the toast is gone. One eye open and no new news to share. I didn't go anywhere or do anything so there really is nothing new and different to talk about. Today is hump day, have no special plans yet but am willing to make I am smiling as I think you may be sighing a bit in relief as you do not have to wade through a lot of words so early in the morning. My brain is still asleep, not willing to wake up, even a thought of going back to bed for awhile hovers around but old habits die hard and once up, up it to sooth the way and my easy chair awaits as the television is on and there should be a news program soon. I will say they never run out of So, I am letting you off easy this morning. It is hump day, a day to be busy, a day to enjoy and share. So get busy, get dressed, get out the door and find something you have been wanting to do and invite someone you like and love to go along with you..breakfast out would be fun. You get to order just what you want and that makes me wonder what your favorite breakfast is....awful waffles, pancakes, bacon and eggs, oatmeal....cereal??? I think not...ha.ha. not if you can have a ham omelet. So....go.....put your shoes on Lucy, don't you know your in the city, I'm off....well don't be so quick to wish you a good day, all day, doing what YOU want to do. Make it a good one. Hugs to all.

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