Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday Morning

Good morning. The sky is cloudy; mist on the roof top along with the little bird who visit every day. There is a silence this time of the morning and even the motors of the incoming cars are silent...amazing. My coffee is hot and tasty and should wake me up. The workers are coming in slowly and one young lady is carrying her hot coffee or tea and moving along like she means business. All is quiet and the fog in the trees has a tale to tell all its own. I have one eye open, coffee, coffee....aah!!!!! Today is Friday and one of my neighbor is walking his dog. It is a bit hazy this morning. A new silver car is on the lot this morning, two black van types and a new light tan coupe just parked under my window. One young lady is texting as she walks along, probably telling her children to wake up and mind their manners. It has to be hard to have to work and keep your mind on the children getting ready for a new day. As for me, I am almost awake. My coffee cup is empty and that will never do. So,off for a refill, hunker in my easy chair and watch the news. One eye open, one to go...sip hot coffee, feet up...a new day. I hope you have a good day, all day, doing what you want to do as well as doing all those chores you have to do.;....they do not go away until YOU make them disappear...ha.ha....a lesson well learned in life. for the most part it doesn't bother us as we are so used to it. SO....go....have a good day, all day doing what you do best. Be a good friend....if you are lucky, be a good never forgets a lesson to love. One of the workers just walked bye wearing a very bright red top; wow....a wake up color.....blinding!!!! So....have yourself a good day, all day, doing what you do best. Take good care of you so you an take good care of others in your family as well as with friends. Be good, be kind, be loving YOU!!! Hugs to all.

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