Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Now It Is Monday...a new week begins.

Good Morning. I am not really awake but working on it. I have had my first sip of coffee....aah!!! It looks cloudy out my window, cars parked right under it this morning and it looks like it might rain, well the trees are still, the bird is on the roof top and the sky is a very light baby blue. Nothing moving at the moment. The beginning of a new week. My sons have left and are on their way back to their own lives. It was so good to have them here, and I miss them already.Granddaughter Erin picked up a cold germ so is going to have to have a down day today. As for me, I am planning a quiet day. It is such fun to have the family all here and all of the excitement and fun that goes with it. Right now the Lucy show is on and she has a way of making me laugh out, off to the easy chair for awhile. No plans for today, have to catch up with some chores and the laundry basket has a way of filling up .... I hope your day is a good one and you enjoy your seconds. Hugs to all. .....I will be a good day , all day ...doing what you want to do. Catch up, I like to know what YOU are up Hugs to all. I'll be back.

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