Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Morning

I see a new grey car on the lot this morning; someone has good taste, expensive I bet and very pretty pearl grey in color. The tarmac looks wet so it may have rained a little but it is clear right now. The trees are still and the bird is on the roof top..... a new day, a Sunday all I am off for a refill of my coffee; television is on and the hassock is in place, smile. I am all set for a wake up time, no hurry, no fuss, and another cup of hot coffee to help wake me up. The workers are walking in and all of the cars are parked in front of my window this morning. It is quiet around here both inside and out. The sky is a very pale blue, the trees are still and the blinds are still down with the exception of one. I hope your day is a good one. A good day to visit and have a tea party. Let me know if you are coming this way and I'll put the tea pot on... I did finish the book I was reading so have to find a new one today. A lazy good. Open the door, invite a friend in and have a good visit. I am off for a refill, tv is on..Golden Girls...and I am off for some hot coffee, feet up, no rush, no fuss, a new day...Sunday...aah!!! Have yourself a good day all day and do a lot of nothing special...make it a true rest day that is what Sunday is all, relaxation and family and friends to love and share tie with. Sounds good to me. Be good, be sweet, be YOU!! Hugs to all.

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