Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Now It's Friday Morning!!!

Good Morning. It is 'murkey' out side this morning....the macadam looks wet and the worker cars are parked under my window. The little bird is on the roof top and the night light is still on. The sky is light blue and the trees are still. The worker cars are lined up for the day and all is silent...there is no noise of any will soon change as the workers come in an a new work day begins. Come to think of it, I marvel at the quietness of the car motors; there is no motor noise as the cars come into the parking area. The cars are changed daily so one day I see the back area and another the front; today it is front and I have three black and/or dark blue, one grey, one white that I can see. One new navy blue with a large roof top window and some luggage racks; new and good looking, bet it cost a pretty penny. I can admire the cars, I don't own one, cannot afford the luxury of having a car at my but I get to ride in the 'family'!!! The sky is baby blue, more light grey than blue and the tree tops are still, nothing moving at all. I see one Fall tree of deep red leaves growing among the tall pines. The only one of color. So, a new day begins. It is Friday all day and that is the ending of a good week. The weekend stands all by itself and plans can be made to fill the hours with fun and good deeds. A good deed never hurt anyone I know of. So, off I go for a refill of my coffee...It is hot and tasty this morning...ha.ha. it is every morning...So be good, be kind, be gentle and be a friend today. When you share love it comes back a hundred fold...try may find you like it... I will be back.....idle threats get me nowhere but worth a

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