Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday Evening now after four forty seven p.m.

The sun is setting slowly; right now it is turned on, so to speak as the tree leaves are lighting up. It is a lovely time of day as the bushes show off their color for the last time of this day and the green tree leaves grow still and stay still as evening approaches.It has been a lovely day, quiet for the most part, no visitors for me and that means it is a bit lonely. I have the computer so I can start a note to those of you who are on it, so that means I have folks to visit with and that is really awesome as I knock on your door and you Right now a mass of light grey clouds has moved in. The sun is setting. The trees are still. All is silent. There are two very pretty pink bushes across the way and at this time of day they take on a new look...sort of a 'look at me' before it closes down for the night. No cars parked out their tonight. All is silent. The shades are being drawn in the hospital wing. It has been a quiet day, an alone day, Erin popped in a couple of times and relieved the silence, although tv is on and that is not All in all I have nothing to complain about. I noticed there are two brand new cars around today. A couple of folks invested in new cars and they are really good looking I wonder what they cost but I cannot ask as that would no be polite.. I am just glad I do not have to invest in a car anymore. It is so much easier to 'bum' a ride when I have to go somewhere. It still costs a bit as a treat, a lunch or dinner, or some help with gas is a necessary evil. Having had my days of cars and expense I remember and it makes sense to help with the expense as it is not cheap. All in all, the day was a quiet one. I enjoyed Erin's visit. She is such a joy. Good young lady and I am very proud of her. The news commentator has said by using the masks we are dropping the number the virus hundred six thousand new cases since yesterday, India, Brazil and the USA are where they counted those with the virus. Until they come up with a vaccine we should stay away from crowds, having parties and all that good stuff. Better to be more careful ...I guess we have to stay aware and be as careful as we can be. It isn't fun to wear masks but it is the thing to do to protect yourself. Off I I am sure there is something out there to go with it....broken cookie......but I know there is a small box of ice cream n the I can't complain. I hope your rest of this day is a good one. Sleep sweet when you ge there and catch up when you have some time. The sky has a lovely blue horses head up there.....a wow picture to enjoy. I hope your rest of today ends well and you sleep sweet. Catch up when you have time. Hugs to all.

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