Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday Morning

Good Morning. The trees are still, not a bit of a breeze this morning. The worker cars are few, open spots yet to be filled. The sky is pale blue and there is not a bit of a breeze out there. There is a tiny squirrel running by the bushes over at the hospital wing, nothing moving, quiet, and the little bird is watching the workers park for the day.Silence.....only four worker cars in at the moment. It is so quiet it would be easy to go back and snooze a bit more. The temptation is there but once up that is it...a chair snooze isn't all bad, smile. The light blue of the sky has a peaceful look, trees are still, the little rose bush is bright in the early morning light, beautiful really. All is silent and only two cars out there right now. One a deep blue and the other white. I have no new news this morning. A quiet yesterday, no excitement. That is a good Some one just drove in with a brand new car, different, a wagon type and the color is a blue I have never seen before, a cross between a Navy blue and a darker shade of blue, different...quite a mix and I thought I had seen them all. My coffee cup is empty and I still have to open my eyes and brain to get this day started. I have no plans as yet. It is early. I think a trip to the easy chair, feet up, news on and relax and wake up, although if I get to comfortable falling back to sleep is not that but coffee first, then we will see...have yourself a good day, all day, doing what you want to do. Hugs to all.

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